Posts for June 19, 2024 (page 5)

Registration photo of Kim Kayne Shaver for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Sitting on the Porch with Them

He looks from his book
   She twirls hair around fingers
      They are not talking


No More

When I stand in a lane lit by streetlight & crescent
what is my vanishing point?  

When I know the pinprick luminescence I see
is from dead stars, do I vanish?  

When temples & churches perch like red-
shouldered hawks on thin shadowed lots
between car dealers & cell towers
is that the moment?  

When a new moon casts its deep onyx, erasing
hill & house, will I vanish then?  

Or will I vanish with the tiger owl as she turns
her head to regard me with moon-embroidered
eyes & face like a cinnamon disc—                                                
                                                    will I live in her                                                
                                                    feathers so like                                                
                                                    the bark of pines                                                
                                                    that are no more?    

~inspired by Maria Brzozowska’s “Vanishing Point”

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Today is June 19, 2024

A day to celebrate the news of freedom
It came two and a half years late
The Emancipation proclaimed all slaves free
Yet slaves in Galveston, TX didn’t know
They worked
Shed blood, sweat, and tears
For two and a half long years
Until that wonderful 19th day of June 1865
Granger’s men delivered General Order No. 3
Here ye, Here ye all enslaved people are free
But all were not free
The news was still hidden from some of the enslaved
Many Texas enslaved didn’t receive their freedom until 1866
Plantation owners held the chains tight
Concealed the news and kept it out of sight
Even today we celebrate that freedom
But are we truly free

Registration photo of Philip Corley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

A Friend Comments on Never Seeing Me Wasted

I keep
my mind
on a tight leash
no slack
having learned
nothing good
ever comes
from losing
make memories
if there’s not enough
to cement them?
I want
to remember
of you.

I’ll get buzzed
a little tipsy
able to enjoy myself.
I just
don’t care
to be
an invalid.

Drunk people
say stupid shit
or speak stupid truth.
When hearts
gets involved
the slightest signals
get turned
into diabolical riddles.

I don’t want
to lead
you on
just how
I’d like
to be led on.

This isn’t to say I don’t have moments of irresponsibility                         
                       when memory is ensnared in temporary brownouts.
I was shocked to learn that you and I linked arms last week.                       
                 I have no recollection of making that joke in your all’s company.
Not too long ago, there is a night that exists as a fill-in-the-blanks.           
                     mixed with suggestive smiles and tantalizing flirtations, but
what in the whole wide world did we talk so long about?

Why do I have this feeling that we kissed.                                                        
                                                    without any recall of the press of your lips
or how our magnetic charges.                                        
                          might have gotten swapped?

Clouds are bad enough           
                  stacked in blackened skies.
I don’t need to invite
the fog
into my brain.

is hard
even when
we know all the answers.
Best not add
difficult to answer

And that is why
I make
the effort
to keep
my mind
on its tight leash.

Registration photo of Leah Tenney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

sweet baby James

August 1983…

Two little girls on tiptoes, freshly washed and pajama’d, Ohio summer night, wet hair, teddy bears tucked under chins
Craning, giraffing our necks through the open bedroom window to catch the music
floating by in waves like an aurora

Fireflies blinking golden- green, dancing with us to the voice drifting overland from the open-air concert a few miles away, around the trees, across the green lawn and into this old house

There is a young cowboy, who lives on the range
His horse and his cattle are his only companions
He works in the saddle and he sleeps in the canyons
Waiting for summer, his pastures to change

Mama standing by making sure we don’t lean out too far 
Wishing we had butterfly nets to save all the notes in mason jars
“Mama, can you hear it?!”, I glow, because it’s magic
It’s just for us
I know it’s just for us

And as the moon rises, he sits by his fire
Thinkin’ about women and glasses of beer
Closing his eyes as the doggies retire
He sings out a song which is soft, but it’s clear
As if maybe someone could hear

I remember our smiles as we sang along, kid voices raised with conviction, pretending to understand the lyrics, waltzing a memory to hold onto forever.
Little sister yawns, lids getting heavy,
after all, after-dark in August is up-too-late for little girls.
But, mama twinkles, bedtimes be damned
We can always stay up for magic.

Now, the first of December was covered with snow
So was the turnpike from Stockbridge to Boston
Don’t the Berkshires seem dreamlike on account of that frostin’
With ten miles behind me and ten thousand more to go

Magic in what must have been a fraught day for her

Back in the bedroom she grew up in
Back in the home she couldn’t wait to leave at 18
A home that lost a young mother to cancer
A home with a father who hit and humiliated
Gritting through another stingy, stinging dinner at his table,
but there were grandchildren now

There’s a song that they sing when they take to the highway
A song that they sing when they take to the sea
A song that they sing of their home in the sky
Maybe you can believe it if it helps you to sleep
But singing works just fine for me

I wonder if she knows how happy she made us that night, years before any storms hit our own family,
wonder if she knows how close I hold this, still

I wonder if she felt the years slipping away for a moment, her own little girls singing summer sweetness back in time to the little girl she used to be…
I hope so
I hope so

So goodnight, you moonlight ladies
Rockabye, sweet baby James
Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose
Won’t you let me go down in my dreams?
And rockabye, sweet baby James,_1983_Blossom_Music_Center,_Cuyahoga_Falls,_OH

Registration photo of PBSartist for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

they came

often and gently
like a whisper
like a prayer  spoken with no voice  just held there gently  within the cage of ribs
hope is like this  hope  just this  a wish we barely let  an idea held close in the throat
I will always welcome them   I am made this way  I can do life no differently
never without one  yet growing slimmer  leaner  where the years have grafted away sections
in need of this surface  I let it go at will  believe as I must  I am part of making all things new

Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Friendly neighbors
the fruits of one’s labors
A sunshiney day
Children at play
the hug of a friend
the warm summar wind
happy memories
the buzz of bees
beautiful flowers
gentle summer showers

Registration photo of Tom Hunley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Hitting the Brakes at a Yellow Light  

All the ambitions I have had, I have reached or given up.
I look at you now and hear all my own words expiring.
An unwritten poem, I don’t know how, shadows you.
All the breaths I have had I have used to write lines
that almost poured flutesong all over the sky, that made me
want to leap, lurch, dance, and all my hungers, I let them grow
in my gut like pearls in mollusks, like skipping stones that want
to skim all the parts of you my hands don’t dare to touch,
and I admit my desire has approached the space between us
even as I hide from bill collectors, from rivers I would drown in,
because seeing you again has pulled me apart. Though we’ve had
leaks like defective boats, a song I could never play
had meanings I didn’t mean but I can be mean like
someone cutting in line to climb up a diving board,
only to hesitate at the top and climb back down despite a chorus
of mocking, but oh, I’ve had other places to go, other words
I meant to say, words that would cool these fires if they could,
words that would assure I would never leap out of myself
and into you, but I think my desire for sensations is ready to roam,
given the green light, across the alleyways and tributaries on your skin.



With thanks to my fellow Rebel Cartographers–words and lines from our most recent anthology.

Basking in the beat  
Different lanes
Ink in our veins
Paper fleets fly
Souls divine
Mascara crust
Anchor deep
Each time
Scruffy turf
Honey hug
Of cool damp earth
Human virtue
Grit to go forward
Clutching jarred tadpoles
Hours fly
Love evergreen
No time to be meek
Meetin’ greetin’
Eye to eye
Make a plan
Flower wings
Motes of dust
Breath of life
Mt Fuji’s iced stance

Registration photo of River Alsalihi for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


anne hathaway and jennifer garner
watch me / clean and windswept /
in the perfume department
of the mall / while my mother finds
my father / a shirt for the funeral

strife boomerang faint familiar yearn
back into me / just want a casual
conversation / just want easy / in
the recording i can hear you
breathing / before you start to sing

deep green forest swallow
my brother / searching for red throated
birds / my body heavy / confused /
my knuckles swell in allergy

once you made me scream in joy
and filmed it / as you mourned