Posts for June 19, 2024 (page 6)

Registration photo of Virginia Lee Alcott for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Finding Ranunculus At The Farmers Market

We spent the most time looking
at the palette of ranunculus, an array
of galvanized buckets lined up
next to the reddest tomatoes.

It took me awhile to learn
how to pronounce ranunculus,
the Latin rooted word
stitched with Persian myth.

Once learned, it fell from my lips,
layers of petals,
cylindrical bowls, round and round
a carousel of color.

Registration photo of Mrs Ladybug for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Goodbye Spring

Its the last day of Spring how shall I celebrate?

I think I will begin by being thankful for all the early flowers.

Those pops of color are so refreshing after those long winter months’

We must not forget getting the garden planted. We started planning it in January.

Greenhouses are open and filled to the rafters with flowers and veggie plants.

Warm days and cool evenings are so refreshing.

The energy you feel from being outside after that winter hibernation.

Waiting and watching the perenial herbs come back to life and those tulip bulbs emerging.

Thank you Spring for a wonderful season full of color and possiblilties.

Tonight I will toast you and make a strawberry poptart cobbler using those berries you helped turn ripe and so sweet. 


Digital Postcards

We trade gifts in Pokémon Go,

these strangers

and I.

And each gift comes

with a postcard,

a snapshot of some semi-random place.

A park,

a statue,

a theater,

a historical marker.


I spin the PokeStop

from the church

at the end of my street

several times a day.

I worry that my online friends

think I actually worship there.


Even my local friends

are mostly people I’ve never met.

We pass the same photos around

over and over.

Today is my turn to receive

the Samuel L. Jackson mural.


My girlfriend and I always

save the painted rose

on the sidewalk

for each other.


What’s fun is seeing

images from other states.

Kitschy Americana stuff.

Goofy statues outside restaurants.

Signs with animated ice cream cones.

Occasionally something real like

the Grand Canyon

or Arlington Cemetery.


Better yet are the postcards

from other countries.

My friend in Mexico who sends me gargoyles.

Shrines and shops in Japan.

Monuments to historical figures

we have probably never heard of here.


One guy sends me the loneliest looking

basketball goal

from somewhere in Slovakia.

I wonder if he plays there.

Or if he just passes it each day.


It’s always fun

when someone visits

an amusement park.

I just got a postcard

from the Indiana Jones attraction

in Shanghai Disneyland.


It’s a strange kind of tourism,

seeing these little bits of the world

each day,

many of them with descriptions

in languages I can’t read.


I wonder who they are sometimes,

the people behind the cartoon avatars.

Instead of churches or restaurants,

I’d like to send them pictures of my dog

or my girlfriend’s art work.

Instead of a sticker with a silly caption,

a message of hope

or a poem.


Connected but alone,

we send each other gifts each day

which only hint at our real lives.

Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Second Floor Hall Duty

Last night, Nancy prompted me to record

the pretty little lies I wanted to hear.
Now it’s 10am Wednesday and any
velvet underground can’t touch me at this
crossing: World Language Hall behind me, 
Mathematics to the front and left. 
No ill whispers, only the hush of Summer-eager 
students wandering like tiny gods until
graduation practice.
They ask me if I know when to go rehearse their Pomp
and Circumstance, but no one tells me such things. 
Inspired by The Writing Prompts for The Devil from “Tarot Rituals” by Nancy C Antenucci


The Dull Woman Pretends to be Ann Landers

When life is broken

(To paraphrase John Lennon)

Love is super glue


Registration photo of jstpoetry for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I felt the weight of the cascade of reveries as I walked quietly on the cobblestone so hesitantly 

Oodles and oodles of fragmented memories retraced so delicately
I strolled in my favorite place with the rest of me 

I wanted feel all the emotions at once to pacify my mind 
my plan de vida is to rinse these dirty hands of mine 

I’m fine, I just like check in with myself from time to time

Registration photo of YvoArcher for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


As you slip out of the inner darkness
I shout out incoherent words
then lose myself at our first touch.
I marvel at the smallness of your feet
As you reach for my comfort
With your unsure hand

Keeping grasp of my sheltering hand
we rock away the darkness
and provide each other comfort.
Testing untried words
And rising on unsteady feet
Nothing now is safe from your questing touch

With one last touch
You let slip the confine of my hand
And I listen to the fading scuffle of your feet.
But in the night time darkness
You still call for me with soft words
For me to give you comfort

Your strength gives me comfort
And I marvel at your steady touch
But still I call out last words
Of advice and grasp your hand
To remind you that I will still be here for you in the darkness
As you walk towards the future with questing feet

You walk now with firm feet
Towards him and he gives you comfort
In the still and quiet darkness.
Yearning for his touch
With it’s strong and loving hand
As you murmur indistinct words

I listen to your joyful words
That describes the smallness of your new daughter’s feet.
Walking with a tired gait, I am grateful for your hand
That steadies me and gives me comfort
And your soft touch
That soothes me while I await the coming of the darkness.

I sense the touch of your hand and the love of your words
As I slip into the outer darkness, I remember the wonder of your tiny feet.
The memories give me comfort, as I no longer feel your touch.



I would have answered your call, but I was grieving. 


Acts of God

Our gods have been shuffled 
like old playing cards,
greasy and secretly marked.
My small circle of friends & family
contains a myriad of divine beings
who each have their own way
of butting in or leaving us alone.
I dare name none of them.

But it does seem that they all play
the game of chance with the old “What If”
conundrum. What if when my papa
was running numbers in ‘30s Brooklyn
the longshoremen’s double hadn’t hit
and left him holding the bag?
In a story too long to tell it was
either go to Nazi Europe, marry
my mom and sneak her out to America
or die. God’s lucky number turned up for papa
and I exist. What are the odds of that?

Registration photo of Morgan Evans for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Crumpled Piece of Paper

Boy oh boy,
This poetry knocks me out lately 
I’m worried it doesn’t have the same effect
As it used to
I get so tired
It feels like a boulder

I love words
They have put bandages all over me
But with these repressed memories
I get scared to see them on paper,
On a computer,
On a laptop

Long are the days of crumpled up paper wads 
Surrounding a desk
It’s backspace,

Backspace isn’t the same effect as a crumpled piece of paper 
Maybe i’ll get out my pen