Posts for June 19, 2024 (page 7)

Registration photo of Lori Taylor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Things That Make Ya Go Hmm

Sometimes it seems there’s no

like the volume on the tv
My hearing likes to play tricks

or a love-hate relationship with food
Enjoyment and resentment coincide 
in a crinkly bag of M&Ms

or the fact that my children
grow up before my eyes
Happy to see their wins
Sad about selfish loss

How can there be no 
when that’s the very place
life chases dreams

Laugh at the tricks
the candy
the kids
According to Mamaw
it’ll add years to my life

Registration photo of Ariana Alvarado for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


The song to mark the last

good memory: an unrelenting
summer, spring come to feast
and be seated. Gentle breath
reminds me that I am loved:
sweet embrace of the sundown,
melody of laughter and cliche.
Maybe I was made for such
a time as this, tinted
with windblown 
sadness, unceasing. 

Registration photo of Amanda Corbin for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

XX. Judgement

A winged being emerges from the clouds blowing a trumpet.
Coffins burst open and people emerge
with arms outstretched
standing resurrected
and ready to begin a new life.  

When the call for change is heard from within
and you heed the call of the Divine Messenger
know that there will be a new beginning
after the death of an old way of being.  

But when the great work of transformation is complete
and you follow the higher calling of your soul—  

There is no fear
on that judgement day
only rejoicing
having shed the ego
and embodied your True Self.

Registration photo of Goldie for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Obsessed with the measures of Jupiter

When I was a child, albeit 

obsessed with the measures of Jupiter,
      two-foot-two and counting, I’d
glibly attempt by skull-soft will alone
to fold all these taffy-pulled bones,
this overwrought paper airplane sloppily
creased around powdery tack and fatback,
into some spunky homunculus, one 
who could scarcely lick 
all the paint from a pinhead, who’d
braided her belt from a
    fuse seduced from a
    strangled arrangement 
    of rain-freaked lady fingers, 
                            who’d painted
    her cheeks with the rouge scratched 
    clean from the pudding-skin cheeks 
    of a matchstick, cudding
    through jungles of clover and envious
    violets, swinging a dandy machete she’d
    whetted on ruinous ironweed, gleaned
    from the pubic-hair rib of a slain sardine,
    who’d summon a thimble of blood 
    from the mewling turnips, 
    the dust-wan runts kicked
    braying abreast of the dirt 
    by the rest of their swollen brethren—
I’m reminded of that cracked will now, wondering
why would my neighbor have mowed all my mint down,
shaved to a stubble, the elfin thyme gone
blue as the svelte and contortionist, dwarven
spruce. A few frail coils of mint and bee balm
quiver now over the egg-shell ruins, the
off-white paint flecks festering, curdling,
coiled like crumpled up paper airplanes,
gutted remains of robin’s eggs jays or
cuckoos had sucked all the color from.

Registration photo of SpitFire1111 for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Same thing erry day
bout to drive me crazy
Whew I can’t take this shit!
Same ole shit different day

same video played
right audio/left audio
break net 7/back on net 7

Shut up Biden
Shet up Trump
Go to hell Netanyahu
Die Putin die/FLASH OFF

Stop talking Gail
Nobody cares Vlad
No more poetry Nate
Speak up Tony

We messed up the planet
Whose to blame-all of us
Burn baby burn
Flood baby flood

How hot is it?
too hot
But it’s freezing in here
That’s the problem.



Fox dreams of star trails,

Paper rockets pierce the night,
A heart among stars.

Registration photo of Geoff White for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The System Ain’t Broken

Problem with drinking the Kool-Aid,
no matter what flavor it is,
someone’s spiked it.

Handing you bile, vitriol,
and trying to convince
it’s good for you.

That’s where they’ll keep you, drugged,
drunk on the lies spun in your cup
so thick you can’t get a straw in.

There’s nothing I can do
until you admit there’s a problem.

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


the dinner crowd,
always loud,
paying little attention 
to the folksinger

she played with
Travis picking
and sang in
her plain-spoken

never a paying gig,
never more than
a couple bucks
in the tip jar,
she wondered, again,
why am I here

stories of singers
in some dim Nashville
bar hitting the big time
were bullshit made up
by record companies
trying to create buzz

thumb keeping the beat,
two fingers, picking out melodies,
her voice, a counterpoint,
sweet and thin

lots of couples tonight,
leaning toward one another
over small Formica tables,
hopeful smiles on their faces

the folksinger was like
the peeling wallpaper–
a few passing glances, 
but none bothered to notice
the pretty wildflowers
on the paper or
in her heart

one more song,
her favorite,
turn off the amp,
guitar in the case,
three dollars in the jar,
long walk home

Registration photo of wendyjett for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

You’re Such A Good Girl

she stoically clenches her teeth
into the soft skin inside her cheek
warm blood seeps from tween her lips 

he uses his thumb to firmly wipe
the ruby stream from her chin
slowly brushes her hair from her eyes

Registration photo of Carrie Elam Spillman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Home Again

The interstate is lonely 
we drive for hours 
Nearly silent 
the radio buzzes
I’m going home again