Posts for June 20, 2024 (page 6)


It’s Not Easy Owning The World’s Cutest Dog

It’s not easy owning the world’s cutest dog.

Walt Disney Studios calls every day

begging to buy the rights

to her likeness.

They are close to meeting my price

but not yet.


It drives a wedge between

family members

and friends

and even strangers on the street,

knowing that their dog

is only second cutest

at best.


Perhaps the hardest part

is that the dog knows

just how cute she is.

She pauses at every pedestrian

and waits expectantly

as if they are a member of her fan club

and owe her treats and head pats.

She stops to watch every car

as if she expects it to pull over

and the driver to get out

and pet her.


It is a big responsibility,

documenting her adorableness

for posterity,

taking endless pictures and videos

because she’s always

doing something

sweet or funny.


It is difficult

not to give her

everything she wants,

to refrain from

showering her with bone bones

when she looks at us

with those pretty eyes

or bows in front of me

knowing that is my favorite trick.


Yes, it’s hard owning the world’s cutest dog.

But not as hard as living without a dog

at all

for five years.

Registration photo of Virginia Lee Alcott for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

For A Yaqui Who Served in Vietnam

New moon
hidden in daytime sky 
aligned with earth and sun
waiting for high tide,
secrets to escape
foreign prisoners desperate 
to find the way home.

Waning crescent moon
in February chill
you remind me 
of someone from another time
forgotten dreams buried
deep in frozen earth
untouched love
waiting for solace.

Quarter moon
smile again
in  the season of the
jasmine bloom
sweet remembrance
purity of chance
your reflection 
in the swollen harbor.

Grandmother moon
full faced in
August dark
teach us the
curve of the river
where wild blackberries ripen
and juice pours
down your chin.

Registration photo of Adyson Reisz for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


If I describe each scene like a picture.
Will you capture it in a poloroid?
Shake it into reality?

Or would you develop it in a darkroom?
Keep it hidden
Drown it until it bleeds the truth.

If I tell you any amount of lies
would you care to look further?
Or would you leave the pictures untaken?

Registration photo of Patrick Miles  for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Sometimes you’ve just gotta try
to drop off some of the pain
and keep on going.
Kick that shit to the curb.
Drive off into the sunset
let your phone blow up
with calls and texts saying
How could you leave me and
Go fuck yourself.
Block the number
with a smile.
Carrying around that pain
riding alongside it
ain’t gettin you where you want to be
if you allow it to keep rerouting
your course.
The pain will be there waiting
should you return. There will be more
passengers along the way
keep your eye out
make room for beauty
to roll with you.
The beautiful will be painful too
it will remind you
of the beauty and pain you’ve left
to get to this point.
There are only so many seats
in your vehicle.
Sometimes it’s just gotta be you
the road
the beauty and pain out the speakers
and that which you pass along the way.


My Life Sits with Me Like an Old Friend (Richard Blanco)

That’s the way I use to think of my cigarettes,
a companion I could always turn to–
that would be with me no matter what.
And now what is it, cigs abandoned decades ago?

My ability to get lost in learning,
which book to read next,
exploring my endless enchantment with words,
striving to write the perfect poem.

Registration photo of Lee Chottiner for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Republics Fall 

when drawers fill
with junk mail
scissors pencils pens

New York City subway
tokens disguised 
as loose change

her past fat with
relics even she
cannot recall

She is a republic
falling under its
own dead weight

though not too late
to save the future
No  not too late

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Sisters are friends from birth

Friends can be sisters
Sisters can be friends

Friends stick together like glue
Sisters’ bond is blood, and it is unbreakable it’s true

Friends hold each other together
Sisters’ DNA connects them always and forever

Friends love like sisters it’s the best
Sisters love like friends they are blessed

Registration photo of Ariana Alvarado for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Anything to Say?

I wrote 19 letters 

and 55 poems;
typed and erased 
a thousand lines 
from a thousand 
texts I never sent;
I wrote journals,
and stories, and I spoke
your name into 
millions of versions
of the same conversation,
and still I wonder,
if the time ever comes—
what I have wanted 
so desperately,
to speak to your
silent eyes in the moonlit
darkness—will I have
anything to say?

Registration photo of H.A. for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Free Fall (Touch the Sun)

a small push in the right direction
spirals out of control without warning

freefalling is sudden
rapid temperature changes stun skin 
and spine stiffens despite u-shaped reaching
while lungs gasp for hidden fragments of oxygen hiding in thin air

when all you wanted was to touch the sun
just once
or once more

without will
without consciousness
without foresight or hindsight to hinder

the day’s extra light comforts the unsettled spirit
of it all
until next year


Summer Solstice Salad

pasta shells with sockeye
grape tomatoes
tossed with olive oil and 
blue cheese
crunchy crackers sesame 
sunrise colors in a bowl

lemon bars… strawberry 
sparkling seltzer
…icy cold

I buy
sun flowers and