Posts for June 20, 2024 (page 8)

Registration photo of River Alsalihi for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I don’t know how to say Good Morning with this much blood in my mouth but I can blink myself away from this decapitated mountain a hard wound in front of me and when I crawl forward I see Oasis            my saving grace             look down             and the Water is full of my face

Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Feeling the heat hang in the air
I can feel the thickness of it 
in my lungs, and my whole body
It has me retreating inside
where the air is cooler and it
is easier to breathe

I wish that I could escape 
the stress of my circumstances
as easily as I can escape the heat
but that’s ok, because
I have discovered that I am stronger
than my circumstances and despite
the fact that they are stifling,
I can learn to acclimate myself
and educate myself, 
which makes me even stronger

Registration photo of Mrs Ladybug for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Its the first day of summer and if feels like it too.

I know we get tired of those very hot summer days  but they really are beneficial for so many reasons. 

All those fruits and vegetables arent going to grow themselves.

Biting into a tomato warm from the sun and right off the vine is an experience everyone should experience at least once.

The extra sunlight time is pretty nice too.

Drive in movies, outdoor concerts, picnics and cookouts are things I look forward to.

Fireflies, butterflies, ladybugs are all welcomed in my garden.

Stomping around in creekbeds looking for interesting rocks.

Splashing in a pool or lying on a float listening to music or a book.

Farmers markets, festivals, summer dresses and sandals.

Always welcome a new season and appreciate all it has to offer as you get older you realize they dont last as long as you think. 

Registration photo of carolyn Pennington for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Shipped out from home
As if she were a draftee 
Headed not for war,
But, the nursing home–
Sudden and upexpected
Off to the unknown

Dumped her household stuff
As if it were a stranger’s
No pilfering through it
From mementoes to hold on to

Registration photo of Leah Tenney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

it might be in a poem

They say the way back to Narnia is never the same
As the road that brought you last time
The magic’s always shifting around to new places
I can never guess where  

Maybe it’s in the old black & white photograph of a family I love from afar
Maybe hanging on a thrift store clearance rack
Maybe a tray of muffins sliding hot out of the oven even though it’s 90 degrees outside  

I’ve found it in kitten claws
First snowflakes
That time we laughed so hard we peed a little
And the nights I finally let grief break out in great wracking waves  

I’ve seen it in a sunset glinting off of perfect brown hair
In the broken branches left after the thunderstorm
In morning fog and flat grey skies  

Once in a while I see it in my own hands, worn and worked
I was looking for it this morning, and that’s never the best way.
You must let it find you.
It might be in a poem.

Registration photo of N. D for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

picnic guest

hello bumblebee!
please don’t bumble quite so close 
to this here picnic

cute as you are, my
sandwiches are not the most
nutritional choice


Tanka Orchid

Her magnificent 
magenta blooms waved by the
wide sun filled window
she craved to flaunt her ample 
blooms tended by melting ice.

Registration photo of Lori Taylor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Grandmas > Words

Words are powerful
yet not satisfying enough

Precious isn’t big enough
when looking at my newborn grandson

Love isn’t deep enough
when thinking about him

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious isn’t wide enough
when feeling indulgent and full of zest

Grandmas are amazing

My own were akin to words
full of zest

More than enough for me

Registration photo of Sean L Corbin for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

It’s always better on the outside

with the monarch butterflies rising like smoke and the young robins with their spotted chests still chirping for breakfast from mom and dad, the chipmunk flitting around the corner of the shed and the magnolia blooms preparing for launch, poison ivy snaking around the locust tree in broad daylight, snakes parting the tall grass in serpentine waves, everything out in the open, everything cooking under the morning sun, no hidden ingredients or preservatives, only now, here it is, take it or leave it, the breeze like honeysuckle, the shadows across the yard like well-oiled gears, ulterior a bullshit word, nothing and nowhere to hide, no chance for cosmic secrets, only iris blossoms on the fence line.


The body keeps the score

This is the same body you touched

Not the same person

But the same nerves

The same veins

The same soul

And yet everything has changed

Seasons gone by

Weight gained and lost

Skin shed into dust

Hair grown, let go, then regrown

And yet, nothing has changed

Inside of me still lives the part of me you crushed

Still holds the part of me you left

Stays the part of me that died

My feet are the same feet that carried me to you

My hands are the same hands that held yours

My heart, the same heart that longed for you

I can no longer trust it when it comes to you

For it is what led me to you, my demise

It stayed yours for years after you broke it

Shards of glass forgotten in the pocket of your black winter coat

My heart, abandoned

My body holds onto what you did to me

That girl you left stays here


Almost like she’s waiting

For you to come back