Posts for June 22, 2024 (page 11)

Registration photo of Manny Grimaldi for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Sailor and Siren

Today a beach remembers herself at low tide—

then to open up a world of surprises,
the weathered woman walks down shells and brine,
and we make boats and birds with deepest flowers—
parting waves in the tossing harbor 
like scissors whooshing through.

her rhesus monkey Noah, in purple fez 
and embroidered vest, takes
a coin into the cup,
and she is unkempt and cared less for,
but the sheets are blanched as chicken bones.

boy. you love her because she will never judge
you for coming here.
what can she say to you about anything?
she thinks,
he paid to be here—
to make boats and birds in black lily showers,

and the beach disappears in an hour—

Registration photo of LittleBird for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Goodnight, my love

He imagines my evening routine.
Every movement as clear as if watching through the window:
Shower, brush teeth, lavender lotion to smooth away the day.
Crawling under sheets and around positioned pillows.
Soft & scented.
Nestled naked.
Exactly as he likes.

I lean over,
An open book of words
enscribed on flesh
for his reading.

Closed eyes.
Fluttering eyelashes see fingertips turn the pages of a love story outlined and unwritten.
He breathes in soft bedside light, 
outlining shadows of future chapters.
With an ache, he skips to the last page, closes the weathered binding, and tucks me away.

Registration photo of Coleman Davis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Know it or Not

Whether we…know it or not,… Nature is party to all our deals
and decisions, and she has more votes”

                                                               Wendell Berry
Pretty blooms are gone,
last of the dry heads gathered.
Anonymous work,
nonetheless it’s rewarding
to care for the only earth.
Tend, even pretend
reciprocal hope and peace.
Each day rise and vote.
Every harvest remember
save the best seeds for sowing.

Registration photo of Pam Campbell for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

American Sentence XLV

Bone cats, five in all, rumble forth, tails swishing curls of steam engine smoke.