Posts for June 22, 2024 (page 3)

Registration photo of dustin cecil for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

as animals

we are born
       and live-
       and die

       as animals.

Registration photo of SpitFire1111 for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Leaving work today
felt like work release

my job is easy peasy
hate it anyway
pay good benefits fine

my soul wants more 
i yearn to create 
something meaningful

i have many regrets
this–my biggest one

spent my life there
eight different jobs
not one fulfilling

saw this online
a paycheck is a bribe
to keep you from
fulfilling your dreams

this hit hard
it’s true
I’m guilty 

Monday nights
i get a knot in my belly
Tuesday is day one

Working on an
escape plan
One day I’ll be free

Registration photo of Sam Arthurs for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

things mr. carter taught me

fried dandelions taste best
with a cup of sassafras tea
boiled in an old silver kettle
that had seen better days

talking about local lore for
hours and days, class after
class; roy rickey and stella
kinney, and so much more

miles and hours of hiking
out at carter caves in the
blistering late summer 
sun that beat down on us

spotting local trees, birds,
rocks; or just listening as 
the breeze rustled leaves
and crickets called out

we never truly knew  the
value of what we were 
learning, not back then
now though i can see the
things that mr. carter was
impressing upon us 

our own history matters
our own homegrown story
is worth telling; remembering
the old ways of life that most
are forgetting now -with passage
of time and  growing progress

isn’t that how it happens?
the new replaces the old
it’s always better than it 
was, or so they tell us

looking back now, there
isn’t anything better, we
were just too young to get
it, too young to grasp it

i get it now, sir, and i?
i am so grateful for you

Registration photo of Sue Neufarth Howard for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Wild happy moments
you catch on the fly
seconds of beauty,
care and caress.

Have your net open.
They keep you alive.


Love is

half a caramel-fudge sundae

& separate plates of pancakes
duo diving board performances
& side-by-side games of solitaire
easy laughter
& hard-won tears
speaking the same language
& introducing new vocabulary

& expansive

going home
& fashioning it wherever you are


prayer as uncertainty

-after Frank O’Hara / Ocean Vuong

someday i’ll love hunter e. westenhofer
& that’ll be all
that’ll be enough

i don’t want idleness, i just want freedom
to choose idleness
to be free from my mind-forged manacles

maybe one day, i won’t need another’s touch
to feel loved,
but maybe it’s okay

to want

Registration photo of Victoria Woolf Bailey for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Earthly Hope

Why bother watching nightly news,
another day of man’s suffering.

What will world be like when meek inherit?
Wickedness gone forever.

No greed, no war, just exquisite delight
in the abundance of peace.

Registration photo of Samuel Collins Hicks for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Silver Bullet

caramel color,
potassium benzoate
(to protect the taste)
natural flavors, citric
acid, and holy water

Registration photo of Amy Le Ann Richardson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Every Little Thing

A bee got me right between the toes
while I was packing my car to
leave for the week.

I always tell myself I’ll get packed early,
have everything ready, so I won’t stress
when it comes time to leave.

I always fail,
cramming shirts and shampoo into bags
when I need to go.

This was no exception,
my arms full of luggage and slip-on sandals
sliding off as I rushed across the yard
attempting to get everything loaded.

That’s when it got me.
Flew into my foot and panicked,
sacrificing itself, sending lightning up my leg
while I stumbled to hold onto my stuff.

Registration photo of Sue Leathers for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Shadorma for Gnocchi who wakes from catnaps to choose violence

mean gray cat’s
white socks camouflage
tiny knives–
flick of paw
nicks my wrist if I risk a
path too close by him