Posts for June 22, 2024 (page 8)

Registration photo of Brady Cornett for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Speculate the end
Quietly as you lay
No connotation
Just reality.

A motivating glimpse.

What can be
Is never what one has.
All I have
Will never be so bad.

I’m rich in exposure.

The experience lives on.
Born for me
To die for others.
Learning and appreciating.

The past is quicksand.

The future is a dream.

Walk the tightrope that isn’t,
So long as you just look up.

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Legacy Roll Call



Nettie / Estelle

Katherine /Fairy B / Francis / Sarah

Sarah / Willis Ann / Charlotte


They paved the way

Their prayers made a way

The shoulders I stand on

Ancestors I honor every day

I carry their DNA

I keep and share their dreams

The woman they can depend on

To pass the torch to future generations

Of Warrior Women

I am Eugenia

I am Present

Registration photo of Nancy Jentsch for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Heaven . . .

My heaven’s backdrop is blue
and purple, colors that swirl,
mingle in celestial orbit . . .

My heaven is eternal dark
chocolate, self-striping sea salt 
raspberry, mint, caramel . . .

My heaven’s gift—Ariane perfume
from E-bay (discontinued 1984)
Otherwise, heliotrope, jasmine, lily . . .

My heaven tucks me in thick flannel
like only my mother could—
a dream-come-true cocoon . . .

My heaven plays a Schubert sonata
violin and piano teasing each other
twining in timeless lines . . .

Registration photo of H.A. for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

You, Stranger

black leather jackets and cigarette smoke surround us
the murmuring crowd stands beneath the ornate plafond
bronze angels silently trumpeting above us, where arches curve to meet a painted starry sky

tuning guitars and mic checks reverberate 
one, two
one, two

our pulse lives in the valley between anticipation and exhilaration 
we don’t recognize these fleeting moments 
because we live in them before they pass

young and carefree
taut-bodied and starry eyed

exchanging glances with you, familiar stranger
until darkness envelopes us
and the crowd’s roar consumes us

we lose sight of each other
and let the blast beats punch a new path
for us to navigate our way back to where yearning eyes met

smirking lips mouth gritty verses
our bodies rock in syncopation
the charged rhythms escalate our attraction 

until the last note’s echo scatters among
the ceiling’s chipped constellations
or crawls back into one of the forgotten trumpet’s bells

the lights come up

…no encore will ever sate me like you.


Tanka – Occupational Therapy

Was my gig twenty
six years of ADL’s fine
tuning skills, strength, thoughts
ro resume a purposeful 
Life honoring your Own goals.

Registration photo of Virginia Lee Alcott for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Please Stay

A few more minutes
Stay in the garden splendour
Feasting on breakfast.



     Sitting by the lake
everything is in stillness,
   even my self, sleeps

I was sitting by the lake
when Penelope called me earlier today
about her wedding plans, then asked
if I was aware of myself as ZZ.
Aware of myself?  Not really, but then
yes, maybe I am. Could that be the answer?
I don’t know.
Is her beautiful soon-to-be husband,
Narayan, aware that he’s darker than
most African-Americans?  Are people in
wheelchairs aware of themselves?
Of course, but not in a philosophical way,
only in a I’m trying to live my life way.
Penelope said I didn’t understand.
I said after living with a man in the navy,
the Aids epidemic, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,
gay marriage and all its push back,
I understood what it’s like not
to be able to openly live as you are.
I told Penelope I joined the navy
because of Popeye,
he’s been saying
I yam what I yam
since about the time I was born.

                              His/her wedding day
                        has the color dragonfly.
                           Mauve would not be right.

Registration photo of Gaby Bedetti for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Post-Wedding Brunch at the Red Dot Restaurant

At a buffet of bacon and eggs,
French toast and pancakes,
an abundance of good will
fills every table and spills
into the garden–
arms wrapped around shoulders
lingering goodbyes–
echoes of a Shakespearean
wedding scene.


Rust Bucket

I love the rust bucket
that is my car.
It is an old,

I am uncomfortable
around brand-new things.
They are too shiny, too stiff,
too sharp around the edges.

They are not time tested.
They make me nervous.

I love things that are
dependable, comfortable,
soft to the touch,
familiar to me.  

Like you

Registration photo of Louise Tallen for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

There is nothing

 Blank mind, tired body
Fresh out of thoughts  
Full head, rehashing dread
Worried by my oughts  
Pen to paper, write it down
Then burn it all to hell  
Leave no trace, saving grace
No water in the well