Posts for June 24, 2024

Registration photo of Kim Kayne Shaver for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Prayer for My Friend Delora Who I Know from Church

     Praise God.   Sing Loudest.
She has all her marbles!
the purple and yellow iris–tall to the sky

Registration photo of j.l taylor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

haiku for mom

a glass of orange
juice, no pulp delight each time
before school. thanks, bye!!!

Registration photo of Brent White for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Makers Mark Black

Black wax breaks free
Amber liquid fills my cup 
Honeyed oak sunset 

Registration photo of Conundrum for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Now & Laters

Dear Creators of the delightful little squares of sugar we call Now Laters, 

Please bring back the chocolate Now Laters.  

I had a very traumatic childhood but the chocolate Now Later was always a delicious, chewy respite from the trauma.  When I had a chocolate Now Later, I could relax and let my guard down and my mind wander, for just a moment.  

My inner child would very much appreciate your consideration in this matter.  

I look forward to the return of chocolate Now Laters…in stores soon!

Registration photo of Patrick Johnson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Bed Time

you know you found it 
when you are excited 
to turn everything off 
climb the stairs 
with the cats in tow 
slid into the covers 
with the television 
on low 
to feel her foot hook
around your ankle
and pull you close


I wish I could do everything (at the same time)

“don’t save your good ideas (for later)
get everything out (now)”
they say (so i say)

i say
I don’t know where to put it (or how)
so long (brown cow)
(good night)

Registration photo of l. jōnz for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Poem 24

Your freckles
my joy

Registration photo of Courtney Music for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Let’s Go

The way your green eyes 
send me that stare 
from across a crowded room
That comes from a secret place 
It encompasses your whole face
you hide behind your mustache 
that smirk that I know 
all too well reeling me in 
every single time
shifting me in my seat
leaving me always wanting more

Registration photo of Jessica Stump for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


May the flattened possum and the bloated deer
find rest in their roadside slumber, and may
the wilted coyote and the smeared rabbit
be at peace, knowing their paths will not cross
in the same forest. Of the bees, wasps, moths,
beetles, and mosquitos splattered in stained
constellations across my windshield, I beg
your forgiveness—my flight lacks the grace
of your wings,
my aim possessing no clear call
to instinct.
Above all, may the cat who filled
the whirling space, thin as a blink, between
my tire and the highway know the world stopped
when your weight took control of the wheel,
when I couldn’t find you in the nearby field, tears
blurring the edges of words—for every expired
wild soul—
I’m sorry.


Water Your Plants

I will always be the girl who forgets to water her plants

I stare at them everyday,

Set reminders and write it down,

I always know I need to

But I always forget to

I want so badly to be able to keep them alive

Pretty and green and thriving

I’ll think it’s only been a few days

But it’s been weeks

Eventually I will and I’ll feel better

Until I forget to water my plants again