Posts for June 24, 2024 (page 8)

Registration photo of Shawn Justice for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Note

Stephen King wrote

It said
see you 
in Bangor. “

Then it 

And my 


Perch Chrip

(for my sister, Missy Cecil
— who’s more than a birder)

eyes clear sleep
in down gown

window dove
heart wonder

cecil missle-thistle
perch chrip

darwin on the sill
birdie birdie birdie

Registration photo of Tabitha Dial for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Red Goddess Goes LIVE

She doesn’t need you

to sing a fraction
of her one 
thousand names to
empower you. *Do not grab
your soul by the collar
like that, and drag it
around. Do not demand
an immediate answer.*
The next best step is 
to play with our Selves
and not to suffer our way
to what we most want. 
Inspired by the Lalita card in The Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson

Registration photo of Louise Tallen for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Sunday at the Store

Wandering through the aisles at Kroger
Looking for garbanzos
I see a woman holding a can of baked beans
Grey hair, gnarled fingers, laugh lines
Wearing lime green capri pants and white crocs
She turns to me and says
It’s the only thing he remembered in the end
Just this, not my name or who I was, just these beans
I nod and say wow, that’s hard
You have no idea she says
Putting the beans back on the shelf
We wander on

Registration photo of Lennart Lundh for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Why Costumes Don’t Scare Me

My father. His brother.

My mother who pretended

nothing bad was happening.


The boys who beat me

because I couldn’t pretend

they had anything I needed.


The girls who shamed me

for not being straight,

or hated me for my courage.


When you know how monsters

and demons truly look and feel,

the last day of October is a treat.

[after an unattributed, circa 1930 photograph of Halloween costumes, seen at ]

Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Follow the bright light

It is so easy to let life get you down
There are the little inconviences
of cars breaking down, other irritating things
that totally throw you off

Then there are the huge things
your children in bad situations
of their own choosing, but dire
deaths of loved ones
job loss and huge expenses at
the same time
being in pain yourself,
or loved ones being in pain,
people just being plain mean,
life is sometimes just too much

But the optimist in me, ALWAYS
looks for the bright side
the kindness that occurs just when
you most need it
the sun shining bright in the sky
beautiful blue sky and birds singing
flowers blooming and bees buzzing
all around them
a neighboorhood cat rubbing up
against my leg as I am leaving
to do something very unpleasant

It can be a tough world,
but it can be beatiful, too
Look for the light and goodness,
don’t focus on the darkness
it can and will consume you

Registration photo of Kevin Nance for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Honky Tanka

You in the corner,
that neon Budweiser sign 
lighting up your face—
how’s about I buy us one
& see how far it takes us?

Registration photo of Morgan Black for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Ants in the kitchen

Ants in the kitchen

It’s getting warm outside

And the ants are coming in


I’m the type of person that will scoop up an insect and take it back out

But I cannot have ants in my kitchen


It pains me as I put a small line of insecticide on the caulking between the counter and the wall

Knowing they’ll eat the poison, take it back to their nest and die

Killing the rest of the brood as their bodies rot where they lie


Some hours pass and I notice seven of them crowded around the line of sweetened toxicant

While one lone ant stands at the edge of the counter, looking outward, guarding


Blissfully unaware that each brother and sister that returns is an insecticidal bomb, impending detonation


Little ant


How many times has my own ignorance led me to guard something dangerous?


How many people are standing on alert to defend something they claim as righteous, because they’re blind to its shadowed malevolence?


Observing you has been a quick lesson in patience for those who do not know whats behind the barricade will lead to their inevitable snuffing


And I hope that when ignorance paired with righteousness gets the best of me, or gets the best of you, I can forgive myself and forgive you, you can forgive me too

I’m so sorry little ant

But I simply cannot have you in my kitchen

Registration photo of Toni Menk for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Love Story

He hijacked her dream
Crashed it into a wall of
Unpayable debt

Registration photo of LittleBird for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Good ride! Good ride!

Arms raised
Hands to the sky
I’m on your rollercoaster.

Stomach pitting, heart dropping  lows.
Vast highs that take my breath away with closeness to the sun.
I trust in the safety of you next to me, we are together so tightly we couldn’t let go if we tried.
And yet the gravity pull and blind corners leave me screaming in fear

And excitement


F a s t!! on smooth casters

Teeth clenched then a
Mouth thrown wide open because i can’t contain my stomach and joy.

We reel and swirl then
halt with a jolt

only to start again slowly

And take the ride around another time