Posts for June 24, 2024 (page 9)

Registration photo of Madison Miller for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Unlicensed Love

Pay seven hundred
per month for health insurance
and act like it’s fine.

You and I worry
Hotel California is
just about marriage.

Registration photo of Gaby Bedetti for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Sunday Lentil Soup

add pepper, parmesan
baguette, and vin blanc
stay for the stories

Registration photo of Goldie for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I spy the Moirai, playing cat’s cradle or crossing their fingers

      —sometimes, for a breath
or a beetling beat or six, I feel
possessed with a sense that a
future self, some half-fleshed
fleck of me threshed from a
certain crepitant stalk, has 
gaily trepanned its way through my 
             pudding-skin spinal column
to put on a suite of scenes or something,
                            checking in
                            every prattling pocket 
                            for all of the proper 
this filigreed handkerchief crusted
here and here, all the colors of grated
sandstone sloughed from the opal-eyed 
sky beach, frail little rills of piano-rolled pips,
all waxen-white, wove into what grave 
parade of listing lines the internet told us 
resembled a wind whose name escapes me; six or so
scraps of a cigarette package, let’s say,
sixteen sticks and a hymen of snickering 
cellophane, bones perchance of some numinous 
creature, though I, in the future or otherwise, wouldn’t
begin to pretend to discern the difference ‘twixt
sheaf-wound wads of tobacco or savory
marrow tamped into an Indian ghost pipe; just
two gossipy slats of plastic gushing with 
everything evermore combed from a thumb-smudged
cherry cordial creasing the chest; some 
crumpled-up fives hardwon from wearing
these flour-caulked rags by a fly-picked pizza line; seven
soft surds I’ve hastily scrawled across
tortured receipts and lottery tickets tucked deep in the
tarrying bracken and lint; and this
Mary Ruefle I’m leisurely reading like one should 
          skim an eye over svelte bones of the hinting
                                                                   Tao Te Ching;
and the lot of it pinned to a niggling rent check
split from the scorched-earth pate of a slithering
What was my motivation and could my
future-self discern just how to play it
and not knot what I had
      only assumed was so 
gingerly lain along dandling knees of a 
              cross-eyed cosmic seamstress,
              flossing her few frail teeth with—what is this,
              fly’s legs fording my life line?
It made me feel like wind-licked trees left
glibly assaying the weight of impending haze
that might just clot in a stormcloud,
stormclouds cracked into pearling tear-streaks
gamboling deep in redounding fountains fanned
before squirrel-lithe lights of a crackling theater
just having watched who perform as who performing
what grand, lavish, imaginal tasks of a titan, erstwhile
resurrected—gods thrummed out of the bristling
grass blades burst through cauls discarded, caulk,
and the chicken-skinned sidewalk blocks, bent
                  into a grin at a pitiless distance.



Someday, I’ll start over,
anonymous, in a new city,
where the past doesn’t cling
like a drowned man’s suit.

Just me un-selfed, unburdened,
free to sip exotic cocktails
from the patio of a high-rise
with a forever breeze,

by moonlight reading
over the shoulders of waves
as they write and revise
the beach.

Registration photo of Mike Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

untitled senryu

Studded black leather,
chains, protractor, and compass –
learning Hell’s Angles  

Registration photo of Linda Bryant for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Shame Tries to Paddle the Cumberland River

One set of grandparents settled
on the north side of the Cumberland,
which had bus service and a Dairy Queen,

the other was rural & plotted with pig
& chicken farms. To get from one grandparent’s
place to the other we boarded

a six-car flatbed ferry that skimmed
the turbid water like a low-flying hawk.
The farmhouse was weather-beaten & had little

natural light except in the duck-yellow kitchen
where I loved to sit and shell peas. When no one
was paying attention, I loved to sneak

through the cedar drawers and black lacquered
jewelry box in the spare bedroom. Once I found a stack
of girlie magazines — Rascal, Nugget,

Monseir — & I stole one of them. Rolled it up
mail-box style & snuck it inside the side pocket
of my pink leather overnight bag.

As we travel the night ferry back, my eight-year-old
heart knocks like a ball-peen hammer. I feel the first
pollinated bloom of sex. A thrill! But within minutes,

I believe I have sinned. I stay up past midnight,
decide to crawl out of the window screen,
gently so there’s no sound of peeling paint.

Under moonlight I will trail to the riverbank
& with the girlie rags in a black plastic bag,
I decide to dog-paddle the half-mile across the river.

I know I’ll never make it. When I’m found out, my dad
will surely whip me with his leather brush. Worse,
my big sister will make fun of me for the rest of my life.

I’ve heard stories of drowning from the Cumberland’s
undertow. My shame swirls into the muddy currents
as moonlight flickers through clouds.

Registration photo of Chelsie Kreitzman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

For a Camel to Go Through the Eye of a Needle

First he must find it
out in the haystack – a straw
which might break his back.

Registration photo of Jason Williams for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


He fingers the sunburn blisters
on the ridge of his balding scalp.
Looses another button on his shirt
so the absent wind can waft his chest.

Nibbles at the salty jerky and flips
around the freezer bag with bottled water,
a granola bar, some tube of fruity gel.

Melting into the bench in front
of the church that gave him the sack,
he watches the sun rise like an angry god.

Registration photo of Jess Bee for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Follow-Up Appointment

My thoughts drive my conversations
A testament to situations
We find ourselves in the spring
Worried about the littlest thing
A need to make the words inside
Force fed quips
Tongue tied
Gazes turn
No pride
Take my danger by your side
Daggers thrown
But never lied
Heartbeat into suicide
Complete the PHQ-9
Utilize our hotline 
It’s an easy activation switch
Purely romantic comic glitch
Put your Easter egg
In a song
Predicting past is never wrong
Look ahead but not below
The present runs much too slow
Needles clink on the clock
Prescription permanently out of stock

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Registration photo of dustin cecil for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

another furious-true

the rolling showed devotion-
                     cries of delirious
                     fell into ‘the faith’

                 his theory of taking
                       two and two
                    a line of blue silk-
                 less than those who

the sound which darkness
                       passes into-
                       pushing north

              many had-
                          and had
              still in detailed time

           but he finds their heart
                       in cages