Posts for June 25, 2024 (page 6)

Registration photo of Maira Faisal for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


My eyes have never been as sharp as my tongue, 
but I’ve been trying to observe more than act, 
not passive as the breeze but watchful as the wind
bringing autumn to foliage verdant and rapturous. 

So, when did you start having the hospital as a phone contact? 
Or start sitting in a chair to pray? 
Or buying stacks of anti-wrinkle creams? 
When did the dark crown of your hair fade to a silvery halo? 

When did you begin attending graduations? 
When did we begin running your errands? 
Or discussing tile options, laundry, and house payments? 
When was the last time I held your hand to walk? 

You were right — you often (but not always!) are:
it was gone sooner than I knew it arrived, the Before
noted in the novels you stacked by my bedside, 
the awkward, wondrous period I dare not name. 

I turn twenty soon, the youngest I will ever presently be,
and see the fruit flowering, not bursting forth but untethering 
from the weight of frost, sluggishly, slower than I thought 
possible or reasonable but nonetheless rising. 

It seems tiresome, this test of a journey, 
but I see now that one day, after the toil, it will be 
as achingly beautiful as you believe.

Registration photo of Arwen for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

broken rules in stone, redux

On the dating app, she appears a pear
green in golden sunlight, ripe enough yes
but just tart enough to hide the real pictures
of her real self and he says, “Any chance
I’ll get to see your face?” and she says, “Careful.
You know what happened to Moses
when he asked the same of God.”

Registration photo of Leah Tenney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


sometimes the near-misses hit me still 
as hard as any real thing could have,
one of the relics my old friend Anxiety likes to dangle like an overfilled keychain
rattling my ear

today?  it was only a small thing, quickly corrected, no harm no foul
but the the potential of harm, to anyone I love
shakes me still
frozen, slow moving as a glacier while brain tries to let body hold it in a bear hug
shadowboxer neurons with eyes closed
can you faint and fight at the same time?

i force myself to pause… to take stock of truth… try to shift the rock on my chest

it’s all right, all is right, all will be well
it was only a near miss afterall

but still
i hold pebbles in my hand


How Bold I Am

How bold I am
When it is thought to be a heteronym 
Taking the grace of a woman
When it rises not to my hand. 
It sits upon the page, a new land
Where I take up space again and again 
Take up a word and use it to stand 
Yet still, it is dressed as a heteronym. 
When it takes away its dress of satin
What is it then?
What it claims to be: a word worn as skin 
When it is held in the hand. 
The wind will not heel to demand 
But it will carry the voice across the widest span
A voice so high and blunt it deepens the shallow view of man and woman. 
But the eyes are not spades that dig into the face 
But hammers to keep spades in place 
On the card with no concept of space
Beating those that rise instead of hate. 
Two seconds at most makes you either or 
But knowledge makes it a revolving door 
Where the plan is broken forevermore 
And the boldness I hold frees my soul from a gendered chore.

Registration photo of Bing for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

wonder what a walkable city is like

i want someone to

take control when i’m driving,

ratatouille style.

Registration photo of Mary Potts for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Been in therapy for… 22 years now.

Same therapist (mentor) since I was 14,
Bless her heart…

Peace comes from rooms where you’re known,
From those who truly see you.
Rare moments to feel less alone,
[And] painted faces submit to transparency.

From outside in and inside out,
Where butterflies and dust spew,
In a space where it’s allowed.
Here in the place where soundness challenges chaos.

Much like the intentions of this “poem,”
To reach some version of conclusions, But
I have no clue where these words are goin’
So, back to work to help the others stuck in the rut

Registration photo of Hunter Nelson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Have babies today
tomorrow and the next day.
Big brother need pawns.

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Registration photo of Philip Corley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Simply Put, You Have to Give Up on Earth*

which is
a hell of a lot harder
to do
while still living
on the earth

some sins
should not be
so swiftly forgiven

some promises
are better off
being broken

drunk words
are sober thoughts

i’m sorry
but you have to deny her
what she was
looking for
this whole time

you can’t move on
or forward
without first

she will have to bring you back
if she so chooses

she knows her heart
she knows her flaws 
she knows what she keeps hidden

and you will not break that
you will not find
what you want here

simply put
you have to give up
on earth*

*Title and last lines taken from Alice Sebold’s The Lovely Bones.

Registration photo of River Alsalihi for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

life sentence

sweating shaking to write
i just have
to be honest & it will turn
out alright put some children’s voices
on the track & turn
some wellbred men into        empaths
where does the writing
come from what does it 
want from me how
can i give it that
there used to be secrets
in gum wrappers but now
they’re black & void
i want to know more
than i ever have before
but knowledge dies
with you if you never
do anything about it
theory face mask lip mask
shaving cream body lotion
slather words everywhere
pretend to know what they
mean or where meaning
comes from in the first
place oh settle down Adam & Eve
sentience hasn’t killed most of us

Registration photo of Sue Leathers for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

summer is not lonely, but

summer is not lonely
all markets & festivals & fairs
raucous and ripe
the season teems and glares 

I’d rather
it shrink
me small

        to fill the curve of another’s body
        for the cup of a hand
        for someone to swallow
                me whole