Posts for June 26, 2024 (page 9)

Registration photo of Scott Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


It’s the harp players’
job to restrain.
to remain calm
and ready,
to clutch loosely
in your palm
the tiny black
bullet microphone
with the volume knob set,
good to go,


you’ll never know
and better so
also to hold,
in proper key,
that ten hole
brass reed bomb,

otherwise called the
pig whistle, the mouth organ,
the diatonic gob iron, the bone,
the French harp, the horn,
the blues harp, the tin sandwich,
the panpipe, the harpoon,
the common man’s instrument,
the harmonica,

with its twenty thin tin slivers,
affixed long to short,
soldered onto solid plates,
pinned to a pear wood comb
with hollow chambers cut
that echo every moan,
encased with silver covers
which glisten under stage light,
low notes left, high notes right

on the twelfth bar turn
around, the lead guitarist
gives a nod,
it’s your time tonight

remember always
to stay low,
syncopate the bass line,
listen, listen
to the snare,
start slow,
keep a cadence
funky cool, cast a line
then reel and flow,
lay bare your soul
until the hook is in,

and then,

when all that
sorrow and that pain
can no longer be contained,
once per show,

let it explode.

Registration photo of Wayne Willis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Now that the sobbing
Has subsided,
I wonder who I am,
Now that I am not
Who I was before.

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


hungry prelingual humans,
pointing toward the prey

signaling orders

the traffic cop,
directing vehicles

deaf friends,
signing each other

an angry parent or boss,
acting out

a raised arm,
to show your buddies where you are in the crowd

the high five,
awaiting completion

the lecturer,
trying to enhance their speech

the raised fist,
seeking blood and bone

the loved ones at the end of that bright tunnel,
calling you home

Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Summer Morn

This is my favorite part of the day
the morning, after my coffee,
as the day begins, shiny and new
Before my to do list starts demanding
and the hard things interfere,
there is so much promise

The promise can get crowded out
with the busyness and weary cirucumstances
but each day presents a chance
to get things accomplished, connect
with people, and most importantly
show kindness to others

As I put on my armor to face the
difficult part of my day,
I choose to do so with gladness,
and embrace the hope that 
exsists within the mire 
of life’s unpleasant aspects

Registration photo of Mike Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I bolt awake, early a.m., my wife, too —
something unseeable in the night
has beaten us with a whisk,
left us in a froth,
left us like a lawn over which
men in green shirts rolled spiked wheels,
sprinkled poison to kill the weeds,
left a sign, and quietly drove away.  

Registration photo of Lennart Lundh for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

There’s a different photograph

lost, but not lost as long as my memory holds it to its chest, the way I held you so often but never enough, from the beginning while dancing at that party, to the end while I waited for the sirens to come closer, to stop. I swear it was taken from almost the same spot as this one, only on a foggy evening when the birds were resting and the boats’ lights moved slowly on the river below, below the two of us, which is the real difference for me, us walking out of the picture and into the future, what there was of it, me in a suit, hat on my head. And you, yes, clearly beautiful beside me in the mist and night, a car-coat, a calf-length dress that the coat largely hid, making me picture your breasts, the space you shared with me further below, making me picture you holding me close the way you did so often but never enough, certainly never too much.

(after the 2021 photograph, “Porto, Foggy Days IV,” by Nuno Pestana Vasconcelos)

Registration photo of Stephanie Mojica for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

“Step Thirteen”

 Author’s Note: “Step Thirteen” or “Thirteenth Stepping” refers to when an experienced member of a Twelve-Step program such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Debtors Anonymous, etc. pursues a vulnerable or new member for sex.  

Ana can’t stop crying
as she says, my father…
my father raped me.
Tom sees an opportunity.  

I can help you recover, he says.
Meet me at 6 pm.
Ana doesn’t know any better.
She’s a newly recovering debtor.  

I will save you, Tom pledges.
But don’t tell anyone else.
They’ll be jealous.
Too many program people are zealous.  

So, she turns her will
and her life over to Tom.
He’s her new Higher Power
and won’t even buy her a flower.

Content Warning

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Registration photo of Gaby Bedetti for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


After the wedding jubilation: radio silence.
Are they being held by pirates,
or more likely, lost in their bliss?


America the Beautiful

Helpless, are we, to the tide that pulls us under

It’s not our fault that we can’t fight back

Hopeless, are we, for the future that lies ahead

I can’t be held responsible for the consequences of my actions

Comfortable, are we, with the loss of life

That’s what gives us our freedom, right?

“Give me liberty or give me death”

Songs of a forgotten age

Ghosts of martyrs in our living rooms

Will we ever learn

That history repeats itself

That we cannot sit by

That there is power in our togetherness

Or will we sit and watch

While people die

While cities burn

While the world as we know it

Continues to be

Registration photo of Toni Menk for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

After the Solstice

Sunrise has turned south
Maturity has been reached 
It’s down hill from here