Posts for June 27, 2024


does it still count

i need this.
let me count the ways.
i collect compliments like acorns.
i can’t find them when i need them.

Registration photo of Jess Bee for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Depression Poetry in Four Phases

Heart laid raw and tender on the block 
Pinpoint precision vessels interlock
Traverse a trail with Robert Frost
Ask the butcher what it cost
To cut away the ugly parts
Failures and false starts 
The road we’re taking calls my bluff 
Will they drag me out when it gets rough?


Like Emily D I will write 
my poems during my
breaks after we pass meds at night –
Amateur work life high
careening with cancer careers –
manifested into 
dark meaning myth – dancer appears –
taps unrested on cue –
I’ll play golden gongs for my friends –
Hear rhythm in my head –
Make my little songs – love pretends 
I exist without dread


I’m just a mom who pays the bills
I wake up and takes my morning pills
I live as a modern day Sylvia Plath
I purchased a house with no bath
The gas oven clearly fits the task
I trouble family without my mask
I never was the best in math
I went to school just to ask
Am I wasting time as an empath?
Money goes down the drain
I drop out like a downed plane
I wonder what became of my purpose
If lack of doctorate makes me worthless 
How long until I go insane?


it was never perfect never done
paint dried out s l o w l y in hot sun
over time it’s more doldrummings
i carry it like e. e. cummings 
strings of this heart strumming
but now I pull it out of my p     t
                                              o     e
laid raw and tender on the block it
asks me what I need this time
place coat over 
         puddle to block the grime
before I step in filth and   s
                                                    k    with the crime

Registration photo of Katrina Rolfsen for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Where the Waves Go

“The wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it’s supposed to be.” – Chidi Anagonye, The Good Place

The waves, like us, are wanderlust.
See the glimmer in their crest?  They yearn
for places they’ve never seen.
Restless, they ricochet
between shores, thrashing against Malibu
sands, tickling bare feet along Japanese coastlines,
carrying mackerel to Cape penguins, and lifting surfers
toward equatorial sun.  Wherever they go, the waves 
ferry souvenirs from their travels, carrying silt 
and seashells and messages from far away.
It seems they could go on like this forever…

Yet the world is only so vast, and someday
they’ve seen it all, so when their voyage 
is through, where do they rest?  On and on they flow,
soaring across saltwater expanse, rolling ever onward
’til they reach world’s end and spill over Earth’s edge
into oceans of endless sky. 
Soon all that’s left of the waves are the sunlight sparkles
that shine like stardust, lighting
our dark nights to guide us toward
places we’ve never seen.



Sometimes, often really,
I can’t remember not being 
a mother.  Who was I?
I know I had similar views 
of the world, what matters,
what I wanted to be.
Compared to being a mother,
my dreams were small,
somewhat shallow. 
My world expanded four 
times its original size.
My vision, all my senses 
intensified with each
daughter who came 
through me.
I am more because you 
created me, the one
you call mother. 


Registration photo of Shaun Turner for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Algae Invocation

Can I ask you this: Imagine you
are not you now,
but instead you bloom
like algae
in the cool flow
of a gentle river. Its steady current
ovals and ebbs, snakes
through the limestone and silica
like it has for
so long.
In this ephemera, you feel
its true bronze-gold
sweetness: the fresh
river air like a forgotten
let it encapsulate you
and ride this river,
be algae,
home as far as some distant ocean
home itself
of many rivers, 
where you live as far away as this feeling.
Let me me ask
and take you there. 

Registration photo of Goldie for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Joke of the day

I heard this man

at the co-op explaining
with stammering certainty,
clutching a cardstock cup of
cold coffee to nearly a treacly 
nose bleed, how, now, Both
of my baby mama’s asked me
to marry themI mean, really?
Whereby the man with the
mortar-white teeth 
immured in this 
shoat-brusque stubble,
who seemed to be
fielding this all 
for a nickel, then
nodded and muttered
like one might 
milk hot tears
from a glassjawed 
cinderblock, Yep, 
that’s just the way 
it goes, I guess—
and now I can’t open
my eye to much more
than a Holga lens.

Registration photo of Adyson Reisz for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


We’ll throw those stones when we get to it…
Pelting like rain coinciding with gentle ceiling fan hum.
The ache of October rattling deep with each spasm.
Mercy is not in a mercenary’s vocabulary.

Throbbing is greater than or equal to the rotting of teeth.
Brilliance as a result of intensity
In the hurt where chemistry doesn’t add up,
The missed numbers will haunt someone.

Gentle quartets play chronic
Devotees, even when it kills them
The marrow dripping out their bones
and onto the dark oak bookcase.

The scalp is where the value is held
the identifier.
Old ads posted when the plains were still great
So naturally that is the start of the suffering.

Content Warning

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Registration photo of Courtney Music for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


It’s the bitter taste 
that lies on the surface 
of the unknowns that 
wrestle behind fear
It’s the truth that waits
while you try to sleep
when you need morning to come
its the vision that you created
on a timeline that’ll never change 
as long as you’re not happy 
allowing joy to be stolen
by make believe grief 
it’s that old bad so-called friend
that you can’t quiet close the door on 
no matter how hard you try 

Registration photo of l. jōnz for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

i tuned out

for me to watch and to listen
to any of it tonight
would’ve been to
abandon myself

I can no longer afford
to beg for love
from thieves

Registration photo of Brent White for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Plum and Violet

White fan flowing air
a grey cat meows in my ear 
you giggle and laugh 

soft lamp light over me
a quilt pulled up to my chest 
tomorrow comes soon 

we sit with our phones 
weaving our wonder and love
audible with taps 

grey cat makes biscuits 
and you ask is it her love 
the black cat now joins 

all four of us here 
meows, purrs, taps, giggles and laughs 
it is all our love