Posts for June 27, 2024 (page 5)

Registration photo of Liz Prather for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Law of Just Enough

This is a grief and I must bear it.
-Jeremiah 10:19

In a shaft of light
which is also time
liminal and amber
I see her lifting her arms
and behind her squinting stands
her sunburnt farmer father
who behind him stands his jowly 
French mother in a housedress
who behind her stands her serious
bearded Mason father
for whom my brother is named.

In a long streaming lemon shine
their chests breaking open
with gold inside, their arms full of soil,
and I stand at the base. She holds onto me
without letting go of the others
full of perpetual life in this dust
mote beam from epoch to age
through wars and farms and papers
having nothing and possessing all
in this wave of yellow memory.

I see it all sorrowful yet rejoicing
humbled but not despairing
that she’s gone along
with all the others.

Lead me to the grass
Lead me by my name

Registration photo of Kel Proctor for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I’m finding it hard to be proud 
this month, so I turn my attention
to another sin to take its place:

Over uncles who blather on
about how no one was “that way”
when they were young. 
Over legislation forcing
doctrine down children’s throats
while saying that’s our crime. 
Over members of the community
who choose to tear down others
to be one of the “good ones.” 

So, I’ll rage for these next few days
then go into hibernation, and
when I awake next year,
maybe I’ll try lust, instead.


September (An Irony)

Ragged jagged overgrown fields of steroid
ragweed drowning out the state flower, golden-
           rod;  like everyone else he was letting

everything go, even the usually mown bottoms
gone to wingstem and ironweed; it’s a bold
           behold coming down the sledding hill

in dawn’s excited light, they held on to the runaway
Deere, somehow already hurt by the pressing fade
           of these fall ephemerals 

who next year will have a different life,
competing with honeysuckle, multiflora rose, wild
           grape vine and voracious locust saplings;

in the dark shade of sudden woods where light receds,
the open sea of grass will know its barrenness,
           will come into the bitter days of weightless being.

He has run his race and lost forever those coyote nights:
love making, howling at moon hidden behind circus clouds,
           the trapeze swing into another body, the ethereal 

penetration of nightly vales giving way to morning
vapors when the itch of intercourse is luminously
           revealed in the ugly whelps of their alfalfa romp.

The surcease, at first unbearable, a low numbness,
became his litany of what their holy acts meant, repeated
           on his grandmother’s decades old rosary beads;

sex as the anointed drama of his life, the top & bottom
of his extinction, the extension ladder into the heaven
           of her perfect invitation, her sweet Honey flow,

the ecstasy of exploring every contour earth could hold,
the memory being on the ground looking up into her eyes
           that are nothing like the sun, and afterwards

a distance in her words and what they mean.
She’s a raptor going for the prey of her life, and he
           a drama coach with year after year of bloodless

Hamlets, a director without direction, vulnerable to her
eagle claws. She sank in & rode him like a god-damned rodeo

Content Warning

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Registration photo of Geoff White for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Thursday, 4:00 p.m.

My phone is on a tether,
having used up half its charge
already today.
I find myself languishing in bed
all afternoon while it reenergizes. 
My wife napping next to me,
recovering from a three day stint
in Pigeon Forge.  My daughter
is fighting a migraine and
my son is resting up for a
pool party later.  A full house
yet quiet as we each hear the
air conditioning turn on and off,
and me holding my breath,
unwilling to break the spell.


knot god

seems to me I’m putting a lot of faith

in two loops and a hastily recreated slipknot
(should’ve read the instructions first)
the birds appear to agree
mocking me with their cheerful chatter
peeking cautiously as they hop by
I chirp back that I’m just grateful
to be suspended between the earth & sky
I’m worn from carrying my own weight
(some of us weren’t blessed with wings y’all)
(so unless you plan to head up to heaven &
ask a higher power to quit declining my calls)
this hammock will have to do for ascension

Registration photo of Tom Hunley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The American Sonnet: An Essay  

A kiss at midnight
in a naked lake, its waves
gray as razor blades,
turns out to be a dead fish
slapping my face – God this hurts.

Registration photo of Bethany Robinson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Morning Musings of a Muse

A morning musing of a muse

Enjoying the beauty of the stargazer lilies

Remembering the stars in the sky before slumber

How her morning breath

Rolls in a fog like the ghosts rising 

From dew kissed grass

Up to the heavens 

A vapor disintegrated into the clouds

How her mind spins 

A carasouel of thought

The many splendors she can enjoy

Her body being able to hold

All the delectable hedonism

Fruit drippings from her chin

Like those from below

Toes curled into the mossy earth

Fingers laced through tall blades of grass

Eyes mesmerized by all that is beautiful

Whether that is you

Whether that is me

She finds desire and inspiration

In all that stirs her heart

In the magic of the earth

Vibrating through her bones

As if the earth’s heart

Were beating in sync with her own

To be this moved

To carry this much power

In how she carries herself

A pure force to be reckoned wtih 

A power that is not her ego

But a reality of who she is

She walks forward and stands tall

A pure delight of all that wonder

Registration photo of Leah Tenney for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


because you locked up faith and starved her of love
fed her only on scraps of shame and grief
said the sunlight on her skin was a sin and she must pay
must pay
because grace without groveling would offend pride
and your pride will be prized above all else I guess

it’s the way you won’t see that makes me crazy
mistaking the red mark your slap left on my cheek
for rouge

(one of many working drafts exploring my thoughts and pain related to the idea that leaving the church does not, for me, mean leaving faith, but grieving for all the harm done over thousands of years, and exploring what post-church faith looks like in my life)


Fool’s Gold

To dream is to be in love with everything

Show me life as it wades, insuppressible

To create is to be fearless

Let magic slip from my fingertips, unwritten

To love is to be a fool

Melt with me, indefinitely

To learn is to be told you know nothing

For the best, you may never understand



I don’t want you now

I have someone, I am loved

More than I could be

With you, but I saw

You have a girlfriend now, right?

Someone new, someone

Who is not me, so

I wonder how you treat her

Who you are to her

How come she gets you

What person have you become

That she feels cherished

Why could you not be

The person you are for her

Back when I loved you