Posts for June 29, 2024 (page 7)

Registration photo of Brady Cornett for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Capturing the attention
Of the masses;
Hopelessly lost,
Mentally numb,
Embracing the rot.
Compressing one’s lifespan,
To a series of photos,
Filtered through fiction,
Cast to the clouds,
Setting the standard.
I am nothing more than what’s advertised to me.
I am nothing more than the content I generate.
Only worth a second,
In a passing scroll.
A means to captivate,
My pulse holds no weight.
The modern age is killing me.
I am nothing.
I have nothing left.
Waiting for transmissions
On a screen.

Waiting for transmissions
On a screen.

Waiting for transmissions
On a screen.

Waiting for transmissions
On a screen.

The value of life
Condensed to what can be advertised.
The value of life
Condensed to chasing clout.
Days move in circles
Filled with envy.
Days turn to nights
Blurring everything.
Claw my way from the cesspool
To rise above monotony.
My broken will,
to serve myself.
I wasn’t meant for this.
To live like this.
So unfulfilled,
For something more.
There’s a purpose in everything,
I know. I’ve seen it.
There’s substance here,
I know, I’ve felt it.
Victims of influence,
Drowning in opportunity.
Scrape away the cataracts,
To see the beauty.
Waiting for transmissions
To distract myself from
All the pain that stems
From my lack of will
To live my life freely,
As intended.

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Identical But Different

I once knew two babies
who shared one cozy home
both the same
but one was eager to enter the world
the other a wee bit slow
one born on the 29th
the other a wee bit slow
born on the 30th
we’re identical but different
uniquely born
each twin
with their own special day
Happy Birthday – Two Yous 



The rainbow flag, once a defiant splash against the sky,

tucks its folds away, a sigh on the summer breeze.
Confetti settles, the last thump of the bass drum fades,
but the rhythm of our fight continues, a steady underground pulse.
Pride isn’t confined to a calendar page, a thirty-day burst of color.
It’s the fierce love stitched into the fabric of our beings,
the stories whispered and shouted, a chorus of resilience.
A tapestry woven with threads of gold, resilience, and the fight for acceptance.
We carry the light of June, even as the month wanes,
a beacon passed between open hands, a promise whispered.
Whispers where understanding takes root,
in quiet truths finally spoken, blooming like forbidden flowers.
The battles aren’t over, but with each step, we stand a little taller,
hand in hand, on a path towards a more just horizon.
Let the flags rest, a quiet pause, a chance to gather strength.
Because the fire of love burns on, unwavering, a constant in this ever-changing world.

Registration photo of Geoff White for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

After the Diagnosis

The name can change
as quickly as you adapt.

I name you 
Pollutant of Fresh Water
Adaptable Octopus
Crab Killing Scorpion

I name you
Banana Bruise
Starboard Swelling
Irradiated Sore Spot
Cell Epidemic
Parietal Pressure
Parental Mental Block
Silent Symptom

I name you
Better Living Through Chemistry
Keeps Piling On
More Calls Per Week
Likely Relapse
Wall To Be Climbed

I’ll name you whatever you want
except the dreaded 6 letter word
that starts with “c”
that means there isn’t anything
I can do anymore.

Registration photo of K.A for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

count on you

can’t count on you to
make me full so i’ll knaw on 
my own marrow to 
save me from your deep
apathy for my cracked psyche 
i can climb out of 
the abyss you think you left
me trapped in. happy
to be away from 
a shallow boy and
a life in your oppressive 
solopsistic stench 

Registration photo of carolyn Pennington for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Tongue lashings
belittled, battered, barated …

Like the tentacles 
                            squeezed the heart 
                wringing it so tightly—
swallowed into dark water.


Tanka- the other side of rehab

It’s more difficult 
to be on the receiving 
side of the 1,2
3,4,5 of exercises 
than let’s do 5 more reps.

Registration photo of N. D for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

kitchen witchery

i think i would cook
more if i pretended to
make tasty potions 

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

The Creation Seat

He sat in His seat
before me, 
created me,
set my soul free
to choose

from my own
creation seat,
a lifetime
of choice–

like a warm wind,
dance in the air
before me,
waiting for me
to choose

I choose

then, I
find myself
in a new
creation seat,
what may
come next–

another choice–

an infinity 
of possible universes,
waiting for me


All Day I Wish

Behind fading moon
mist settles down like a cat,
       we sleep in coolness

Good morning Robin
      could you come into my house
                     and catch my last dream

                            Summer flu
keeps me off riding mower:
                       lush clover for honeybees

midsummer malaise
vacation bible school students
                                 run through God’s sprinkler

                                         A truce with the Skunks,
still you must lecture a teen
                                    who’s Squealing his wheels

            All day I wish
it would have been different
   until the evening breeze

                            At night I wonder
                    why so many are sleeping
                            under my pillow