Genetic code moves, recedes,
leaves a drumlin field,
scours wool to wear, puts
all of it’s eggs in one
basket of all eggs.

How I end up a wasp?
Sting-weight of words,
carried by a Soule, sold
to win, slow for a plot
left alone, land right here.

Take route through 
heartbreak catch-in-throat
of Wampanoag woman,
a place of many fish,
riot & rot near Captain’s Hill.

In G major, shit out of luck
sister of horse healer,
sing songs for pay & feel,
know not where, but
could live, anywhere?

A press in Lisbon or
maybe in the time it takes
from full wake to sleep,
alive in blood, stable ink,
some statute of limitation.

Twenty marbles in a jar,
fixed to a draft, drink!
To the mealworms,
cheers to the good, true
beasts of placental me.

This glacial pace of myself
without body, my sun pen
prophesy, a fighter, chooser
of long stay, in foal foot
height of warm ice, flow.

Throw candle in fire, come
come again radiant coin, write
of passage, publish atoms
solid, genomic bearing
me, alternating pain & fruit.