So many use that word,
So few understand it.

It’s fashion to love queers now.
Don our rainbows,
Celebrate our parties,
Forget our scars,
Ignore our fresh wounds,
Stay silent at hate spoken,
Turn your back on us,
Then cry at our funerals.
You did nothing.


I don’t need a slogan.
When I’m shaking with fear,
When I face down a bigot,
You sit by and watch,
Too afraid of your reputation
To do what’s right.
You said nothing.

I don’t need “Support”
That dissolves in the floods,
Let the waves thrash me,
Let me down in the storm.

I don’t need sympathy,
Empty smiles or empty words,
You sat by and watched,
You said nothing.


Allies fight by our side,
Speak out when it counts.
They protect us, defend us,
Use our proper pronouns.

Allies are tanks,
Soak the damage that kills,
Allies are shields,
Deflect hateful words,
Allies are distractions
For our safe escape.

It’s not an identity,
But rather an oath
You don’t get your own letter,
We won’t build you a moat.
It’s the bare fucking minimum,
Though i’m thankful for you.
The allies that know this
Are the ones we deserve.


So few take that stand.