As surely as I do depart 
to lie fixed in this earthly tomb 
I am soon sure to be released 
from the depths of this worldly womb 
Disrobed of my organic form 
burst free of wounds and pain and scars 
I’ll chase the wind as it blows west
and soar to dance among the stars

*I was a little late on the very first day of the challenge so I have been posting one day behind all month. This is my twenty-ninth poem. Since I can only post once a day, I decided to share the final poem on my social media via video. You can find me on Facebook

I will also post it on my Instagram and get it on my website later tonight.

Thank you everyone. It has been an extraordinary pleasure and experience to “meet” and learn from you. You have inspred me to keep going and to look at the world with new wonder. I have truly enjoyed reading all the wonderful poetry and I appreciate all of the valuable feedback. I learned a lot this month and I swear, I will master that Palindrome form before the end of the year!