you get to spend your morning
sweeping hundreds of the shards of glass
that decorate your front seats and car floor

But they missed the stash hidden in the side door

to the lady who weaponized the police against me last week
because she didn’t believe that I did what she asked me to
and now I have to choose to stay and argue my case or get to the car and flee

This week we get chicken for free

to the sister crying in the car next to me
because it’s all too much or not enough or, both
and maybe none of the above, or maybe it’s neither, but the stoplight turned green

If you’ve been there before, you know what I mean

to you for the losses you’ve endured
for all of the times you’ve seen no footprints in the quicksand where you are
for the ability to keep going when this life finds you with negative energy and forces

Love to you for making better choices