The Fleeting Art of Writing a Letter
Can almost forget that we were tragedy
if I stop reviewing it long enough.
Almost don’t even feel you anymore.
Can almost go about living my life
as if nothing even happened.
But of course, it did. A lot happened.
Two people with specific traumas collided
with maybe God at the center-
symbiotic or internecine
both doomed if just one faltered.
After so much time I still don’t know
if I did my part right, if I was even close
at all. All I think about is how
when the next storm blows in how
safe complete I could feel with you.
How I feel so much of me was lost
when you left. How easy it’s become
not to try at all. Turn it all off; be without
desire. How when someone, anyone
gets me wanting, all I really want is you.
7 thoughts on "The Fleeting Art of Writing a Letter"
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I love the title — captures the tone of this piece. The structure, too, conveys this fleeting-ness. I enjoy reading your work!
Thank you so much! I do enjoy your comments on my poems!
When I first read this I thought it was an erasure poem due to the way you had it spaced out. It seems you did this on purpose however and it does add a nice touch of fleetingness to it like Michele states.
This is probably my most intentionally written poem so far this month.
I wanted all the lines with added spacing to be the same length of the longest line without spacing, the idea being that no matter how everything plays out, it ends in the same place. The double spacing however, came from copy/paste being uncooperative with how I wrote it, but I just decided to leave it.
As always, I greatly appreciate your comments. It’s very good to be part of this community.
That is so powerful! I love the sentiment.
Loved this form which haltingly dragged it out letting us feel the pain.
My favorite of yours so far this year, man.