Eve bit the apple and the juices
dripped from Her
and god told Her
to wipe the juice dry
and forget the taste of the sweet
but Eve ached for it. 
She begged and cried out for it,
and so, god, in all his misery,
damned Her daughters,
whoever dared to eat the fruit, to taste
not sour, nor bitter,
for even that would give Her some understanding,
some distaste or disgust or
no, She is forbidden the knowledge of even
its opposite, as that grants her a guess
at the truth.
and, of course, god did not damn every daughter.
if none knew of its sweetness,
the Others would not know to want.
She could not struggle to understand,
She could not hunger, nor lust,
the way Her Mother did.
many will know its sweetness,
will lap the juices like a
dog in the hot sun,
and they will call out to an Other,
“have you tasted this apple? my, has
there ever been anything so
damned, the Other will swallow
and taste nothing
and She will call back
“I’ve never tasted anything like it,”
for She cannot speak of her thirst
and She can never
quench it.