of this ancient library,
closeted in incunabula:
the Doctors of Theology—
handy guys to have around.  

Some are Notabilis, like Pierre de l’Ile (heard of him?),
or Memoriosissimus;
some are just Famosus, like Bertrand de la Tour,
just a friar unlike the Famosissimus Benedictine, Petrus Alberti.
Some you’ll find in Abstractionum,
others are Clarus or even Clarus ac subtilis.
Ours was simply Doctor Subtilis— 
as anyone who’s studied Friar John Duns Scotus will attest.  

Once you get to know them you’ll discover they’re
Dulcifluus, Ecstaticus, Excellentissimus,
Mellifluus and Mirabilis,
Ingeniosissimus and Authenticus
and occasionally Fertilis.  

Avoid being in Contradictionum
but more than Ordinatissimus stay Fundamentalis
you find it’s Ornatissimus et sufficiens,  

But stick with Invincibilis, Irrefragibilis, and
Angelicus like Thomas Aquinas
and you can’t go wrong.  

If you can, be Profundissimus
but always Resolutus and Succinctus.
And when you need a close shave,
come back to William of Ockham,
Singularis et invincibilis!