things mr. carter taught me
fried dandelions taste best
with a cup of sassafras tea
boiled in an old silver kettle
that had seen better days
talking about local lore for
hours and days, class after
class; roy rickey and stella
kinney, and so much more
miles and hours of hiking
out at carter caves in the
blistering late summer
sun that beat down on us
spotting local trees, birds,
rocks; or just listening as
the breeze rustled leaves
and crickets called out
we never truly knew the
value of what we were
learning, not back then
now though i can see the
things that mr. carter was
impressing upon us
our own history matters
our own homegrown story
is worth telling; remembering
the old ways of life that most
are forgetting now -with passage
of time and growing progress
isn’t that how it happens?
the new replaces the old
it’s always better than it
was, or so they tell us
looking back now, there
isn’t anything better, we
were just too young to get
it, too young to grasp it
i get it now, sir, and i?
i am so grateful for you