Today’s your borne day
would’ve been 85
almost dead longer than alive
you missed it all momma

my two beautiful babies
he’s handsome like granddaddy
her face shaped like yours
she’s petite like you & granny
and has her perfect nose

Gave them a life I wanted for myself
Happily married parents
The education of the 1%
He takes the bar this winter
She’s a software engineer

You were right about my 1st husband
He was an alcoholic and more
I found me another good man.
He’s a great dad & husband 
We love each other so much

i made the life you wanted for yourself
and Dawn did too, big house and a good man 
She passed the bar became a stay at home mom
Kept my good job and got the position I wanted
You would be happy with what you made

i took care of Granny after her stroke
her ending was so tragic momma
the hospital kept taking her limbs
She died of congestive heart failure
i was the filial daughter

So sorry i gave you a hard time
the few years we lived in the same city
I was the hand that rocked my babies cradle
It was a journey to become their mother 
But in the end they are my life’s best work