twist of tongue turned twist of wrists
befalls twists in sheets (all night)

your words aglow on pages (printed) beneath the waning gibbous light
shining through an open window kept ajar for those verses 
to feather-fall among the cricket’s song
–in concert with yours–
on repeat, a treasured refrain
preventing sleep, forbidding cenote pools to settle

bare feet tiptoe along creeking floorboards
invisible imprints raise hushed echoes down the hall
deft fingers pry open a back door left unlocked in a summer daze

a calloused hand sweeps wayward wavy hair from pursed lips
then returns to encircle knees pressed to chest
while seated in a large wicker chair
silently pleading with the gods to extend June’s presence

                                                 no response (yet)

tired eyes lift from pages curling at the edges in the soft wind
to survey shadows creeping closer while the stars sail through the sky;
evening creatures’ yips and cries bleed melancholy symphonies
into aching hearts buried deep in the darkness

eyes close to conjur spirits traveling along throaty-lupine-growls
between legs
between breaths
between dusk and dawn

summoning them to collect smoke-scratched whispers over bourbon
to quench this thirst for falling in love
with the idea of a magnetic refrain