
June 30, 2024

I told myself to post away, but
should’ve ordered self to write each day.
What happened to the month of June?
It flew, or poofed right by, too soon,
and I, who thought myself a poet, well,
this June I certainly didn’t show it.

Registration photo of Kevin Nance for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Night & Day

sometimes you like to
throw your old life on the fire
sit & watch it burn

store your bitterness
lay it by for those cold nights
it will keep you warm

you can’t be cheerful
every damn day of your life
so go on & cry

then the sun comes up
like a giant’s orange eye
peering through the trees

how quickly the light
sifts through the cracks in the blinds
& everything’s changed

& then suddenly
you can see the world again
just waiting on you

Registration photo of Linda Bryant for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Haibun With LexPoMo Notes

In his first poems, Dustin wrote in a minimalist vibe but was also profane, provocative, on the edge of offensive. Something kicked in about a week into the month-long marathon project. A slight seriousness began to seep into his verse. His words became more descriptive, more probing, occasionally bullseye deep. I know he still wants to shock some folks, make them a little uncomfortable. But Dustin is digging this writing thing more even checking for off-rhyme, texture and metaphor.

Fed up with MAGA
gender roles & politics
he writes hot, cools down.

Shaun started writing this month in an easy-to-understand way. Every year I’ve admired his clarity and intuitive insights which are often nature-based but also connected to emotion. When you least expect a writer can take a quantum leap. Hang-glide off a cliff reaching for a new literary altitude. That’s exactly what Shaun did. “This took my breath away,” Karen said. “It felt like one of the poets we’d been taught in school,” Joseph added.

An abandoned corpse
of a moored-up Ford
takes off as a poem.

* Dear poets,  I really am going to miss reading LexPoMo’s poems even though I’ve burned the candle at both ends this year. I had 12 people to write about but I only managed to write about two because it took longer than I thought it would. There’s always next year!

Registration photo of Mike Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Yoda Needle to Zero Sets

What like you, dislike fully.
What you dislike, fully like.
Placid lake moonlit see.  

What sweet, fully bitter make.
What bitter, make fully sweet.
Hole inside from wiggle free.  

Registration photo of Ariana Alvarado for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I have this recurring dream

where I dress and undress
myself like a doll, like something
to be viewed at and preened, to be
loved and ultimately forgotten as
time goes on. And of course, you’re
here now, haunting this as you’ve
haunted everything else now. I need
a homecoming dress, because we’ve 
decided to give it another chance. 
I lace up corsets and fasten zippers 
on my own, because my father doesn’t 
welcome you to our home anymore.
I tell you I’ll meet you there soon, but
nothing quite fits right. When I wake up,
instinct wins out and I open my closet.
I survey my options: so much black velvet,
the one I had saved for Valentine’s Day,
but these too are haunted; I ignore
the long silver remnant of the dance, 
now nothing more than a piece of fabric
I refuse to donate, and the Halloween
costume from the boat party shoved
in the corner, never to be worn again.
It haunts my dresser too: the overpriced 
band shirt from our first date, the matching
pajamas I kept for some reason, and
underneath all of that even, the nakedness
you knew better than I did, the body I can’t 
outrun. When I was a girl, my dolls all
eventually ended up naked and bent 
out underneath my bed, just to one day be
found and discarded when I had outgrown 
them. Now the special ones rest atop
my bookshelf, being gazed upon while
they collect dust. I don’t know who gets 
a better fate. 
Registration photo of Chelsie Kreitzman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Recurring Nightmares of a Directional Dyslexic

I’m in high school                                              horseback at summer camp

the hall is crowded                                            I’m leading a guided ride

bell is about to ring                                           I’ve come this way a hundred times

but I can’t find my locker                                 and the trees look suddenly different

I don’t know where my classroom is             the trail grows unfamiliar

come to think of it                                             this new horse doesn’t know the way to the barn

I haven’t shown up to class all semester      it’s getting late, the sun’s going down

and today is the final exam                             I’ve managed to get us all lost out here

I am such an idiot                                              and everyone is about to find out.



All the cool couples
are playing pickleball
on blue courts
the color of exotic seas
while we grow fat
on doughnuts from
the neighborhood bakery.

Suppose we had the gumption
to try on new lives,
would you love your new husband,
would I my new wife?

Isn’t that the rub of forever vows,
no one should change too much, too fast,
out-pacing the comfortable now?

But the dullard in overalls boasts —

My wife is the same exact girl
as when I married her

as if she were a marble-eyed baby doll 
trunked in the dank crawlspace
of forever.

Registration photo of Coleman Davis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Mushy Mushy

                                             for Linda Bryant Davis

You are, without a doubt,
the kindest person I have ever met.
We come from different islands, different
families, different ways.
Your smile is my north star, my guidance.
There is nothing left but you, when I balance
the scales of sweet holy justice.
Your name translates as beauty
from the small piece of you;
your complete soul inside,
to the all encompassing soul of you 
which you embody as a perfect fractal.
You are eternal and whole,
need nothing more. All I ask is,
will you let me accompany you 
as you wander?
Registration photo of River Alsalihi for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

mos ki frike

i fight with my mother. i throw myself into the water.
it’s frigid. it makes goosebumps all over me.
there’s no one in the water for a mile. this frightens me.
the black nun fish roam beneath me with no flicker of reflection or dart. they soothe me.
so do the swallows on my legs. everyone seems surprised that i gave them names.
i could be famous for my ability to pretend. i could name an emigrating cloud
and feel friends with it forever. i understand that no one is in the water
because it is cold. i don’t care that it’s cold.
the wind wrinkles the waves and freeze burns my scalp.
it makes it difficult to see the dark fish angels and anything else.
i tell myself i am not afraid. there is nothing here that could hurt me more.
nothing that could hurt me more.
i move like an inhuman in the water. it feels good.
i spin myself against the soft resistance.
i lay down in the surface and try to gouge the cry out. i give up.
i swim to the other side where they speak a different language
and hate their fathers. i don’t spend the night.
i don’t want to talk to her ever again. i swim back to the shore where she sits.
i always end up feeling so adolescent.
Registration photo of PBSartist for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

tyranny of completion

disillusionment would have one believe  the finish line is the goal
narrow  this mind  unduly constrained within this fable
fantasy dissolves like the casing of a pupa 
emerging from this restriction reveals new layers of will  determine toward this more
or wash
away  the tyrants  the tellers of titles and tales  guides of no one
the same fait awaiting us all  perhaps then complete
is not a very good aim after all
go for attentive

each stroke of life breathed upon the clock of this world 
can find a life we discover we are living
not just alive
unfold your layers  so that even when there appear no more
fresh discovery  another emergence