I bite my fingernails in vexation 


You asked if my obsessive compulsive disorder gets worse because of the depression or if the depression gets worse because I am obsessing 


I haven’t considered that 


But the world is not black and white, I can see the greens and the blues and the reds 


Even colorblind eyes see more than black and white 


And why is it that my OCD makes me so impatient? 


My brain screams at me to scream at you and who else, I’m biting my tongue so hard that it is beginning to bleed 


And would I be alright if everything was even? If all the flowers were aligned in perfect rows and every couple kissed exactly four times? 


Would I be fine if the pavement had no cracks and each curve was followed by an equally opposite curve? 


My brain was made to destroy me 


I crave silence