living breathing
sprung headlong
unflagged slalom
kin bereft
5 thoughts on "600,000"
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Terrific use of form. This really packs a punch. Very nicely done.
This was really impactful. I loved the use of sparse space.
Thanks y’all. Had the words in straight lines and didn’t convey the emotion I wanted. Good to hear this form worked!
Great construction, takes us slowly through the tragedy.
Thanks, Greg! Big experiment for me with Some Words and this one with space. I visualized a slalom trajectory and tracked the central words in what would be a normal slalom but since it was an un-flagged one wanted to create the out of bounds chaotic experience of those stricken. Initially I had all the other words sprayed on the page but decided the reader needed some guidance so came up with this form. An experiment that I hope held the lost ones honorably.