A poem a day
It breaks my purist process
to dedicate this hour to write,
to set table side and rack my brain
for inspiration. I am erratic
to my core and that above all else
defines any words that might
form sentences on my tongue.
My rule has been to pen only
that which screams at me,
and begs it’s way onto the page,
not the subtle nuance that lingers
without warning on the edges
of synaptic clefts. And so you
ask, why I am here? If it is,
that I am so opposed to poetry
not spun spontaneously.
Why would I, a carpenter, join
you poets in this poetry parade?
Perhaps I too long to know,
and the answer that I seek
is in fact to throw
my highfalutin notions
to the wind, which is
in itself an erratic act,
and therefore consistent
with the whirling dervish
of this state of being
I call starting June.
7 thoughts on "A poem a day"
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Love it! I often feel the same way, wondering how to appreciate the small, subtle touches of life when there’s so many explosions.
Thanks for participating! Excited to keep reading the rest of the month.
LexPoMo will definitely help, if you commit to that time each day. If you show up, as Steven Pressfield writers in “The War of Art” (highly recommend that book), it is as if the Muse sets her watch in synch with yours. It sets a neurologic “muscle memory” and before long, you find the words flowing during g that time each day. Best of luck to you and look forward to reading more!
I enjoyed this, exploration of process and the last line.
“and begs its way onto the page” — I look forward to more of those beggars!
I love that line, too! But “edges of synaptic clefts” is a killer! Nice to read your poetry again!!
big mood
I used to think only at Hindman would verse flow onto my blank page with such effortless ease until Lexpomo showed that all I really needed was the discipline to do what seems impossible, sit down, open mind and let the fingers do their thing.
Loved your take on the theme.