A whisper of twilight past
Kentucky bluegrass, the horse
park, fences, hedges. The high-
way fast dark when the rain started. 
Smartfood and chocolate Fairlife
for late dinner at the nearest Love
stop. Outside Lexington, the highway lights
farther & farther apart, the rain harder
and harder. Down to 55 and hazards. 
Trucks on the shoulder and me up 
against the wheel. My last nerve
shatters when the wheels feel
like they’re levitating above the asphalt. 
Pulled off at the Waffle House parking
lot, I call home. Check my phone.
See Elizabeth’s picture outside
The Kenwick Table. It was still
light & we were beaming. I turn
off the wipers & wait out the storm,
scrolling through the deluge. 

**Even though this is dated 6/6, I started it at ten minutes before mdn! It took me SO long to get home!