In early August of
some time last July,
my friend sat with her
smoothie of spinach and rye.

And on that sweltering day,
a short man did appear:
he said, “Hullo, my name is Jack,
would you like a change of career?”

And my friend said “Of course!”
(as she was hot and quire bored),
and the man led her to a stop sign
on which they soared.

As they flew through the air,
iron pole between thighs,
he looked at the horizon and said
“my house is past that rise!”

My friend was eager to see
their destination so distant,
that when they landed, 
she hopped off that instant.

Jack led her into a cave
(and no longer was she bored)
and past the mouth and stalagmites
she saw a great hoard.

“What is this?” she said,
taken aback,
but when she turned,
disappeared had Jack!

And in his place
was a mighty lizard:
a dragon of red
created by a wizard.

Mournfully, the dragon asked:
“Please don’t be mad and don’t kill me neither,
it’s not my fault I’m a were-dragon,
you wouldn’t want to be either!”

And my friend wasn’t mad,
and they’re friends to this day,
because when faced with the choice,
she chose not to slay.