Sagging walls and dust encrusted figures of my life,
Sweet smelling greenery, painted poems,
Drapery gluts sprung from the need to have
so much diversity
I hope it all pleases you,
This thinly stretched appreciation
I only care for you all so well,
Some of you sit unused
trickled down in to un-trod spaces
Moss covered, bramble netted
Dim hollow places
inside a moist log-
full of wondering or woeity
can’t solve these problems
of unhappiness in the world
though we do feel it so intensely-
It’s about time I knew what to do with you
But until then, wait for me after the fair
Wait as I take my fling
off to the next thing
Will I see you one day
unearth your opulence
Or care enough to
release you
wondering was it enough?
Until then,
keep waiting