Webster’s dictionary defines 
as some old bullshit. 
Stretch those vowels out in your head
to make sure you’re reading this right.
That’s some old buuuuuullshiiiit.
I’ve been up to my neck and nostrils
in difficulty and opposition
and it ain’t getting me nowhere.
Fuck a bunch of fortitude.
I’ve watched my kicking kinfolks
sink below the steadfast surface
and drown.
I’m tired of persevering, treading water.
I never was a strong swimmer.

Besides, I’m in my barn burner phase.
A faltering firestarter with both bare feet
on the ground, all sparked up
with reluctant rage
that gives me god awful heartburn,  
anxious and ready to let the cows out
to make a break for it
before I toss a match.