Be sure to greet them 
with a healthy Bonjour,
all your readers that is,
all that clicking for your wisdom
which you have none
and thus a good thing
you’ve no readers


But I digress
for it looks as if
my exile to Alligator Lake
may be interrupted.
I’ve been called to attend
Penelope’s marriage vows
at my former home sweet home,
the houseboat on Herrington Lake.

Ah the Dix of the Bluegrass.


is a geography of one’s heart
with its regular tic-tocks,
skipped beats, flutterings,
and even congestive failures
which can be Lived With.

is a topographical map
with its isomers
giving the illusion
of a life with peaks and valleys.


My sister, Helen, says
there’s nothing more boring
than someone whose father
left when they were five or mother
died when they were eleven.
Maybe so.
Helen is a nonagenarian,
she should know.