lost my way
don’t even know where to put my thumb
background is foreground
and I’ll point out that the puzzle
pieces are on the floor under my bed
where so much weight has been lifted
this long time since it’s been empty
don’t think this is a lament
after 86 years pity holds zero’s place
and the age of kindness has kicked in

how can one be honest
when fictional lives have more merit
badges than us haphazardous characters
of real life?
Penelope wanted to know things
not the truth necessarily 
but the spirit of the time
the rebellions she thought novel
and instead found a worm hole
for which she had no patience 

bi love is spell checked to by love
ok then 
it is by love i have lived
and if you’re one who keeps count
only once has my love been flawed
(and that in the ignorance of youth)
it all seemed natural free funny
loose and never wrong
Can you say the same?