mere shadow has always proven much more comfortable
fleeting is the need to learn of light i will not miss
no need to see the forms that sometimes block said light
let me be content in minimalistic bliss

new light has before drawn me into exploring my existence
time and again i have let loose curiosity from elected chain
wandered upward to worlds beyond my humble cave
where i get repeatedly lost in realities most profane

my eyes do not adjust to the harshness of the sun
i stumble where others walk in cool confidence
they accuse me of thinking too much and of self-sabotage
becoming more of a hindrance to my own accrescense

then i behold a form of perceived beauty
unaware that color has not returned to my eyes
i did not grow up in knowledge of the ways of this world
every attempt to make sense ends in sisyphean surprise 

to learn is to burn and hold resolve through confusion
but the forms always melt in striking parallax
i wish i never trusted and wish i never ventured
hating the outside more for my collection of setbacks

in time i fall back into familiar cave knowing enough
to know that giving up is not so respectable
that to truly live means evolving from darkness but for now
mere shadow still proves to be much more comfortable