We bought for our cat, Zorro, a flying squirrel toy not long ago.
Its webbed arms spread wide looking like little wings,
small defined paws, a plump body with a fluffy long tail,
realistic coloring,
very cute

Over time Zorro has developed the habit
of bringing this toy all over the house.
The once buoyant tail, now stringy thin,
And its overall rounded body, now a bit deflated

It is often dangling from Zorro’s jaws
as he leaps up on to our bed at night
He trots into every room we occupy
until we turn to acknowledge
his almost painful sounding wild-meow cries
that he makes with it tightly clinched
between his teeth.

Other times
He plants it deliberately
in the middle of a room, hallway or on the stair.
When I discover it underfoot
I jump a little as it now looks
like authentic rodent road kill,
its little pink paws reaching
out as though flattened by a tire

I have wondered
if Zorro’s positioning of this toy
is a sign of love or an indication
of dominance over our shared spaces?
What I conclude, due to this toy,
is that Zorro without a doubt
has an inner monologue concerning
this world we share with him.

As he decides what to do next
with the flying squirrel–
his cat mind takes over and he
figures out the best way to communicate
how much he loves us, and beyond that
also let us know that
He knows we love him!
Its all pretty clear to me now.