In new Buick cars
They delivered used toys 
To their sister’s kids.

Tromping through glass
Knee high in mid-May’s spring
A wild strawbery appears.

Swing bridge
River flooded in spring–
Child grips rail.

Nest over creek–
Like magic ticking clock hand
Hummingbird bill turns. 

Spring baby chicks
Nice to hold-easy to die
Lace lined casket. 

Short sticks–split nails
Blistered fingers-children
“backer” setters.

Barefooted all day
Behind the tractor
Child declodding plants.

To and fro Pa’s shack
Grandad’s sharecropper family
Chidlhood days went by.

Purple rickrack sewn 
By Mom on calico cloth dress–
Easter Sunday frock. 

Inside pine-grooved 
Wall-school, Bluebird reader
I-creature anew.

Balogna sandwich
Fall tomato-no cash for 
Cafeteria line. 

School bus driver–
Store stop-child’s birthday gift–
Nickel candy bar. 

 In Grandma’s cellar
Summer sessions of school
Taught by child–Kay.

Barefoot walking on
July’s rain-wet grass is like
An angel ride.