As the fog of the morning
Bleeds into the night
I can’t seem recognize
Or differentiate the light.

Always the word I find

The other word I combine

The fog hovers over my mind
The moments within reach,
Now distant Mountains to climb
He. Was. Just. Right. Here…

And she still is… yes. She still is.

But oddly, I’m similarly disconnected
To what was and what is,
As if the pain’s gone septic
Taking on what once was his.

I dreamed I ran to you           (Oh I’m talking to you now)
And hugged you so tight.
I noticed your hands were blue,
But we smiled, in our circle of light

Woke up again, gasping
Pouring sweat against the sheets
Pleading for “one last thing”
But against God I can’t compete…

Day fog, suffocates,
The never ending expectations,
To keep pushing through grief gates
No matter the implications

Because “we all go through it
       Get up. Move on.
Even as
        The heavy mind still plays tricks,
Density of the fog carries my tears,