Man: I was in the Army.
Woman: Me too!

Man: Well, I didn’t sit in some cushy office; I drove them big, swinging dick Army trucks.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, every week I put on my battle rattle, and marched ass-deep into the woods.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, when I rucked, I humped over a hundred pounds of shit on my back.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, on marches, I was toting the M249 SAW machine gun, not that toy, the M16.
Woman: Me too

Man: Well, I fired grenade launchers and ATWs, stuff that made men shit their britches.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, I went with guys to the field  for weeks, months no matter rain, snow, or heat.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, I slept in tents, washed my ass with baby wipes, and ate chow from MREs.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, I worked with thousands of troops on a mulitnational training mission overseas.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, once my sergeants took me alone and shook the walls  for “corrective training.”
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, I came out of there holding my head, ears ringing, walking sideways.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, the Army trained me to be brave, so I wasn’t scared to die for my country.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, I come close, but I was ready to kill some bastards to come home alive.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, because of all the shit I seen and did as a soldier, I’m now a disabled veteran.
Woman: Me too.

Man: Well, what did you do that was so tough?