He drove off to college

On a path toward independence and increasing maturity,
Vision steady, mind strong, 
Solid aims shimmering on his horizon. 
He drove home four months later
Drunk on delusion,
Reckless, ridiculous, greedy for freedom,
Sighting a target of perpetual childhood
Amid loud pronouncements that this sport is adulthood.
He drove away from me
Under the influence,
Suckling the teats of toxicity,
Milking them for all they’re worth,
Relishing the deceit they perpetuate together.
He drove away from himself
Sad, scared, shortsighted,
Oblivious to the roadkill he created,
His own best life lying battered in his wake.
He imagines himself driving,
Bluster befuddled.
Others’ equally unsteady hands hog the wheel,
Stirring the pot of discontent just enough to foster stagnancy and sourness
But not so much to wake him from his drunken slumber.
Sobriety is hard work.
Interventions bounce off a mind dulled 
By association with those with desire to manipulate
And no impetus to wean him off the bottle.
I have poured out all I can reach.
I’ve lost trust, but maintain hope
That he will wake up one day
Sober, seeing clearly,
And drive toward health.