The sun finally retreats

And that’s my cue to take you to bed

Bundled in your comfiest clothes

A blanket swaddling you loosely

The white noise a gentle hum

Drowning out the ruckus outside

You sip on your bottle of warmed milk

You’re rocked gently until your eyes close

And your breathing slows


I marvel at the vast plains of your cheeks

The soft brown hair that grows in patches

Your tiny toes peek up at me

Attached to feet which grow stronger everyday

As your walking becomes running becomes leaping becoming skating becoming galloping

Your little body still fits curved around my own

As if it still desires to be one with its first home

Our heartbeats echoing in response to one another

We will always be two puzzle pieces

That will forever fit perfectly together

No matter how much time and life

Warps us both

No place on this planet or beyond

Can you go where my love will not find you

Will not envelop you in its warm embrace

And rock your weary soul to sleep


Once this life fitfully claims me

Atropos finally cutting my string

When I’ve seen my final sun dance and duck

Behind the backlit horizon

I’ll still marvel down at you

And all you’ve become