Sometimes with a new shirt
you might get “Extra Buttons”.

These extra buttons arrive in a specially designed
paper envelope with a little flap, a cloth pouch,
or a small plastic bag.
They are very specific to the garment they accompany.

Sadly, these buttons may never serve their intended purpose
yet they do add a certain comfort, even a sense of security
that helps you deal with the fact that most all things around you
are likely to fall apart, and you may at some point in your life
be that person who actually does loose a button. So you can look forward
to that tier of having these buttons, as they will make you very happy.

And not to be overlooked,
just getting these buttons symbolizes the importance
of the designers attention to detail.
The existence of these buttons underscores
that aesthetic way of seeing their raison d’être.
The designer is educating us to know that the wrong button replacing a lost one
could be a bad style move. Keeping track of your buttons is a big responsibility.

For many years now I have never been able to actually link
any of these extra buttons with the right shirt when needed.
For the most part the buttons have ended up outlasting the shirts.

But I do have a nice collection of buttons just in case.
I wish more products came with complimentary extras.