It is so easy to let life get you down
There are the little inconviences
of cars breaking down, other irritating things
that totally throw you off

Then there are the huge things
your children in bad situations
of their own choosing, but dire
deaths of loved ones
job loss and huge expenses at
the same time
being in pain yourself,
or loved ones being in pain,
people just being plain mean,
life is sometimes just too much

But the optimist in me, ALWAYS
looks for the bright side
the kindness that occurs just when
you most need it
the sun shining bright in the sky
beautiful blue sky and birds singing
flowers blooming and bees buzzing
all around them
a neighboorhood cat rubbing up
against my leg as I am leaving
to do something very unpleasant

It can be a tough world,
but it can be beatiful, too
Look for the light and goodness,
don’t focus on the darkness
it can and will consume you