a poetess of some internet infamy and measure once said she thought my best prose was my correspondence with you

It didnt surprise me she said it it surprised me she knew 
My mind instantly has both conversations 
Mine with you a sacred art with consecrated word
Mine with her not equal in many ways but nazi concise and alien clean
It occurs to me you are both my best fan but you are my audience and unmeantioning the unmentionable unmention/s of unmentioned and the unmentioned unmentions 
i wish i could tell you 
most female poets prefer to be called poets.
(“ “In antiquity Sappho was regularly counted among the greatest of poets and was often referred to as “the Poetess,” just as Homer was called “the Poet.” Plato hailed her as “the tenth Muse,” and she was honored on coins and with civic statuary.” ”)