I watch the bounce of her ponytail 
Touch her back as her feet move
Baton shining in the sun
Strides open up the run
Arms relaxing into a groove 
I think of all the times 
I scurried and worried 
From only a few feet away
When her tiny feet propelled her 
Faster than any fear quelled her
To me that was only yesterday
Now look at her so tall today 
Her body swerving as the track is curving
It’s my voice she’ll hear in the wind
My cheers encouraging 
Her adrenaline surging
Legs pump as they quickly extend
Body slingshots out of the bend
And down the last stretch she races
Counts her breaths as she paces
Passes the baton to a friend 
She steps to the side of the track 
Watches her teammate’s fading back
Shouts “go go go” like a maniac
Then her body tucks in 
Like a collapsible bin
And she lets her body relax