She sits in the sun
Sipping on the summer breeze
Head tilted skyward
Nose twitching

She swallows down smells of dirt, and grass, and honeysuckle
Summer smells of –
Hot asphalt
    Sunscreen on sweaty legS
        Climbing roses and lilac bushes
            Grill smoke
                Birds nests
                    Oak pollen
                        Creek water

Scents trailing gossamer strands of memory

On her frosted face you see the remembering

Steamy summer afternoons
Lounging on the cool porch

Snowy mornings
Plowing drifts with her nose

Long spring walks 
Trailing chipmunks and rabbits

She sighs 
Lowering herself carefully to her favorite patch of grass 
Clover tickles her nose
She snuffles quizzically
Chin resting on crossed paws
She breathes in contentment

Her soul shining in the afternoon sun
    Pure as mountain snow
        Bright as poppies
            Sweet as honey

This good girl.  This very good girl.