Why are you so happy

I’m going to alanon meetings   

is it because of its emphasis on how we are not in control of another’s life & how I cannot make decisions for you   

is that what you are happy about   

a sense of your truly being set free   to live the life you want    free at last   since you now know that I know that & I know what is important is that I take care of myself

is that what makes you happy

all those times you have told me to stop worrying about you

is that why you’re happy

I’m going to meetings

or is it because you know you were never going to give me a sense of salvation and understanding and acceptance of what I cannot change & I cannot change because you are too far gone down a path deep into a well it is very difficult to climb out of so you can have peace   take your freedom   enjoy your life knowing I will be taken care of because ultimately that is all there is to do

take care of oneself.