How Do You Feel About Your Body?
                   after David Huddle

Bird ankles too weak for ice skates   bad left eye
not constructed for multiple births  breasts as big
as tractor tires   enlarged mole on the back of my neck
(I left my hair long to cover it)  If I filled out
a citizen’s application for my body I’d write
sturdy worker bones    tough feet for calluses
blisters   bruises   strains   all-in-all good stock
I could speed on my Hi-Flyer like a mountain stream
snake sliding downhill    no Big Macs, salmon
and Caesar salad my favorites    two coffees w/heavy cream
indulge in Guinness and club crackers       After a stroke
I’m more sloth than eagle      I still sing off-key
hot shower trickle    balance my aging body on the rail